Connor X Reader

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My parents leave me home alone once again, due to their work. I sit alone in my room reading a book by the candle light in my dark room, in the middle of the night.

I get up from my desk and I go to my dresser and I get out my nightgown, and I change into it. I blow out the candle on my desk, and I climb into my bed.

I close my (E/C) eyes and I start to fall asleep, until I hear my window open on its own. My (E/C) eyes fly open, and my head shoots up from my pillow. I look around in my room and I don't see anybody.

I hesitantly get up from my bed. I walk up to my window and I close it. I turn around and I see a dark figure standing in front of me. I shriek a little.

I take a closer look at the intruder and I recognize him, Connor. I sigh.

"Connor, you scared me half to death!" I nearly yell at him. Connor laughs and he wraps me in his huge arms. I want to push him away but it's kind of hard to stay mad at him.

I look up at his face, those dark brown eyes that I absolutely love. His long dark brown hair that I love to mess up, and those lips that were just too irresistible to kiss.

I pull on the collar of his assassin robes and he leans down and kisses me gently on the lips. I wrap my arms around his neck. Connor puts his hands on my waist, he pulls me closer to him trying to deepen the kiss. We pull away slowly. I grin at him.

"Could you stay with me tonight?" I ask him. He caresses my cheek.

"What if your parents come home tomorrow?" Connor says. I shake my head.

"Then they would just have to deal with the fact that I'm with you," I say and I smile, "besides in their letter that came today, it said that they would be gone for another week,"

"Alright," he says. I smile and we both climb in my bed. Connor wraps his arms around me, and I snuggle closer to his chest, and I fall into a deep sleep.

The next morning I wake up to the sun shinning in my eyes. I groan and I shift myself to my side facing Connor, who was sleeping soundly. He was snoring a lite bit, it wasn't loud or anything it was almost like a soft rumble in his chest.

I smile and I peck his nose and I slowly get out of bed, careful not to wake him. I go to my dresser and I grab a (F/C) dress. I look over and I see Connor still sleeping. I take the dress and I go to the washroom and I change into it.

I walk out of the washroom and I see that Connor is awake, he sits on the edge of the bed. I walk over to him and I sit next to him and I hold his hand. Connor kisses my forehead, and he gets up.

"I have to leave soon," Connor says sadly. I look at him with sadness in my (E/C) eyes.

"Where will you be going?" I ask. He looks at me.

"Boston," He says.

"How long?" I ask. He looks at me.

"A week two at the most," he says, I nod. I get up and I hug him. His fingers run through my (H/L) (H/C) hair. I peck his lips.

"Be careful, okay," I tell him. Connor smiles.

"I always am," he says. I smile. Connor kisses me one more time and then he leaves for Boston.

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