Arno X Reader (Modern)

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"Arno! You don't know what your saying!" I plead with him. Arno rolls his eyes, and he puts in the combination in his locker. He opens it and he puts his World History textbook in his locker.

"I think I understand what I am saying completely," Arno says with a smirk. I shake my head.

"No you don't! You certainly do not want to meet my parents!" I plead with him yet again. Arno closes his locker and he puts his hands on his hips.

"And why don't I?" Arno asks. I shake my head.

"B-Because..... uh, well.......uh," I say trying to think of a reason, but none came. I sigh in defeat, "alright, you can meet them," I get out my phone and I text my mom, saying that I'm bringing a boy home.

Arno walks with me to my locker, and I put my World History textbook in my locker, I grab my backpack. Me and Arno head to his car, and we go to my house.

Once we were there I see my dad's 1967 Chevy Impala in the driveway. I absolutely love dad's car, it looks exactly like Dean and Sam's 1967 Chevy Impala from Supernatural.

Both me and Arno get out of his car, and Arno walks up to the Impala. He looks at it with awe.

"Wow, a 1967 Chevy Impala," Arno says in awe. I smile.

"You know your cars, my dad will like you," I say, but then Arno reaches out to touch the car and I nearly freak out on him.

"Wait, don't touch it!" I nearly yell at him. Arno looks at me with confusion, "dad doesn't like anyone touching his baby," Arno rolls his eyes.

"How would he know if I touched it?" Arno asks.

"He checks it for fingerprints," I simply say. Arno's eyes widen and he pulls his hand away from the car. I take Arno's hand in mine and I smile.

We walk up to the front door of my house and I open the door, knowing that it was unlocked. We walked inside my house.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" I call out to them. I don't hear them answer, "Mom, Dad!" Then I hear foot steps coming down the stairs and I see my dad in a grey suit, and my mom in a blue dress.

"Oh, welcome home (Y/N)," Mom says. I smile then my dad sees Arno.

"Who's this?" Dad asks while pointing to Arno.

"Oh, this is Arno," I tell him. Dad nods.

"Is he your friend or......." Dad says. Mom looks at Dad.

"Hon I think he is her boyfriend," Mom says.

"By the way, why are you two dressed so nicely?" I ask them.

"Well we're going out to that Italian restaurant, because tonight is date night," Mom explains. I nod.

"Ah," I say, "well have fun,"

"We will," Mom says, "by the way it was nice to meet you Arno,"

"You too," Arno says. Then Mom and Dad walk out the door. I look at Arno.

"Well that was a short meeting," I say. Arno wraps his arms around me.

"I'll just have to come back some other time," Arno says.

"What do want to do?" I ask him.

"We can watch a movie," Arno says.

"I'll get a movie from my room," I say and then I go to my room and I get (Favorite Movie). Me and Arno spend time cuddling on the couch and watching movies.

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