Arno X Reader

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I lay in my bed, not really wanting to get up. I lay on my side and I close my (E/C) eyes and I try to get some more sleep. But that's not going to happen.

My mother comes in and shakes her head.

"Young lady, get out of that bed," my mother says. I turn over and look at her.

"I don't feel well," I try to fake being sick. Mother comes over to my bed and she puts her hand on my forehead and cheek, she shakes her head.

"Nice try, (Y/N)," mother says and she smiles, "I know you don't want to see Mr. Smith," I frown when I hear his name.

"I just don't understand why father wants me to marry him, sure he is handsome, but he is just SO rude, he is narcissistic, and he shows no respect to me!" I say frustrated.

"I know, honey, I know," mother says while hugging me, "and you got all of that from ONE meeting," she laughs a little. I smile. I bring my knees to my chest.

"I wish that father would let me marry Arno," I say sadly. Mother looks at me.

"He was one of the few men that you brought home that I actually liked," mother says, "but sadly your father did not like him,"

"For some reason father likes Mr. Smith," I say. Mother smiles.

"Tell you what," mother says, "I will go and talk to your father, and tell him of your 'concerns' with Mr. Smith," mother says. I look at her.

"Mother, father is so stubborn, the man is the head of the house," I say sadly. Mother laughs.

"Let me tell you something," mother says, "the man is the head, but the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head any way she wants," (A/N: Yes, I put a My Big Fat Greek Wedding reference in there)

I smile, and she walks out of my room. I get up from my bed, and I walk to my trunk, and I grab a (F/C) dress, that Mr. Smith hates, and it is the dress that I met him in. But it is the dress that is Arno's favorite to see me in.

I put on the dress and I brush my (H/L) (H/C) hair. I leave my hair down, not bothered to put it up. I hear my parents fighting about weather or not I should marry Mr. Smith, and from the sound of the fight, thankfully mother is winning. I smile, then I feel arms around my waist.

I flinch a little. I turn around and I see Arno grinning. I sigh in relief.

"Arno, you scared me!" I whisper yell.

"Sorry, mon amour (my love)," Arno says. I smile and I wrap my arms around his neck, and I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck. His arms wrap around my waist.

"I missed you," I mumble. Arno kisses my forehead.

"I missed you too," he mumbles. Then I hear my mother's voice escalating into to a yell.

"What is wrong with the Dorian boy!?" Mother yells, "you have always spoke highly of his father!"

"That boy is nothing like him,"Father yells.

"Well you know damn well that (Y/N) won't be happy with Mr. Smith, it would be a childless marriage," Mother yells, "is that what you want for our daughter!?" Father stays silent.

"She will learn to love him," Father simply says, "if he really has to, he will make her have his children," I feel bile start to come up. My mother gasps.

"You would let him do that to our daughter!?" Mother yells louder, I hear her stomp away from him.

"Mary, Mary!" Father calls my mother. I stand there shocked. Arno hugs me tighter. I lean my head on his chest.

Arno leans in and he kisses my lips gently. I kiss him back, Arno pulls me closer to him. I feel us fall onto my bed. I pull away because of the impact. I see Arno hovering over me. We get up, I tuck a strand of my (H/C) behind my ear.

Arno wraps his hand around my neck and he kisses me again, he pulls me onto his lap. My hands cup his face and I try and deepen the kiss. Arno slowly pulls away and our breathing become a little labored.

Arno caresses my cheek. His dark brown eyes look into my (E/C) eyes. The realization that sooner or later I won't be looking at those eyes when I wake up every morning pains me. I'll be looking at the cold ones of Mr. Smith. A tear falls down my cheek.

Arno wipes it away. His forehead leans on mine. I hear my parents yelling again. But I don't listen this time. But then I hear one sentence that caught my attention.

"Sooner or later our daughter will run away, and she and Arno might elope," Mother yells yet again, "do you want her doing the same as we did?"

Then I don't listen anymore. Arno looks at me.

"Je t'aime (I love you), " Arno says lovingly to me. I smile.

"Je t'aime aussi (I love you too)," I coo to him. I peck his lips. I hear my door open. My mother walks in and she sees Arno with me. I panic a little, "don't tell Father," she smiles.

"Oh, your father used to sneak in my room too, when we were young," Mother says, "by the way Mr. Smith is here," I groan.

"I don't want to see that narcissistic ......!" I start to say but Mother interrupts me.

"You don't have to," she says. I look at her shocked.

"You actually convinced Father to let be with who I want?" I asked. She nods, I smile. I hear yelling from Mr. Smith and my Father, then the front door slams shut. I hear my dog scratching at my door. Mother lets the dog in my room.

My little Crocker Spaniel, jumps on my bed and lays in my lap. I scratch behind her ear. My dog licks my face, she sniffs Arno and she licks his face.

Mother shoos the dog, off the bed. She runs to her dog bed and lies down.

"Poor thing hates loud noises," I say. Arno kisses my cheek, I giggle a little. Mother walks out and me and Arno basically spend the whole day in my room.

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