Shay X Reader

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I lie in my bed. Thinking about Shay Patrick Cormac. My parents would often offer the Templar's shelter, and often Shay would be here.

I get up from my bed, and I put on a (F/C) dress, and black boots. I brush my (H/ L) (H/ C).

I grab my sketch book, and some drawing supplies. I flip through my pictures of my dog, a Mockingbird, trees, a horse, and a Assassin and Templar fighting over a woman.

I walk out of my room, with my sketch book in hand. I walk down stairs. I see my mother and my father sitting on the couch across three Templar's that I have seen before, Haytham Kenway, Charles Lee, and Shay Cormac.

My mother sees me.

"Good morning sweetheart," she hugs me, "I trust you remember Mr. Kenway, Mr. Lee, and Mr. Cormac," I smile.

"How could I not?" I say, "I mean I do see them here often, excuse me," I go to the dinner table and I open my sketch book, and I start drawing a picture of a wolf howling at the moon. Mother looks at me and sighs.

"Honey don't draw on the table," mother says. I look up at her. I'm 24 years old and Mother still treats me like a child.

"Mother I'm not going to get anything on the table cover," I say. Father looks at mother.

"If she did get something on your white table cover, it would easily come out, beside our daughter is 24 she is no longer a child, dear," Father says, then he smiles at me, "Speaking of my daughter's drawings, would you gentlemen like to see them?"

They all nod. But I shake my head.

"No, I'm not comfortable letting other people see my drawings," I say. Mother looks at me.

"What's gotten into you today?" Mother asks me, "your acting very rude," I make a fake smile, and I hand Father my drawings. Father hands the sketch book to Haytham.

He flips through the pages. He looks amazed. Then he see the Assassin and Templar fight over a woman picture. Haytham shows me the picture and he raises an eyebrow.

"That picture, was just for a means of humor," I say, "the Assassins and Templars fight over a lot of things, and I just thought it would be funny for them to fight over a woman," Haytham nods, and he puts the picture back in the book.

Shay takes the book and then he flips through the pages. He takes out one, and he examines it.

"I like this one," Shay says. I walk over to him and I look at the picture I drew. The picture is a male soldier dying, and being held in his wife's arms. He wipes the tears from her eyes.

"Yeah, I feel it's one of my best works," I say and I smile, "I call it Until Death Do Us Part,"

My mother takes the picture and she looks at it. She frowns.

"I think it's morbid, and I don't like you drawing this kind of stuff!" Mother criticizes me. I roll my eyes.

"Doesn't most art usually decrypt something morbid?" I ask her. She frowns at me. Shay turns to my parents.

"Your daughter is very talented, and very beautiful in fact too," Shay complements me. Father smiles. I blush a little.

"Thank you Mr. Cormac," Father says. Shay hand me back my sketch book, our fingers make contact for a split second.

I smile and I walk outside with my sketch book in hand. About 30 minutes later I finish my wolf picture. I smile at the picture, thinking I did a very good job.

I get up and I grab my sketch book, and my drawing supplies. I head back to my room. But when I turn around I hit a hard chest. I look up and my (E/C) eyes meet Shay's brown eyes.

"Sorry," I mumble. I look down and I see that I dropped some pencils. I sigh and I bend down and I start to pick up the pencils. Shay bends down and he starts helping me pick up the pencils, "thank you," Shay smiles.

"Well if I wasn't standing behind you, I wouldn't have caused you to drop your stuff," Shay says. I smile, "by the way, your mother is certainly a....... lovely woman," I laugh.

"Well the constant criticism I get from her, gets old at times, like the amount of time that I draw, and that I'm not lady like," I say.

"Well I think your perfect," Shay coos. He leans in. I could feel his breath on my cheek. Then his lips met mine. The kiss was gentle and sweet. I kiss back. He cups my face, deepening the kiss. I pull away slowly.

I smile and I pick up the last of my supplies.

"We better get back inside," I say. He nods. Then I have to sit in the living room and listen to conversations that I don't really care about.

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