Request: Jacob X Reader

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Requested by Sairz_Barnes.

Image: You are from Australia and you go it England because a man named Henry Green needed your help. When you meet the twin Assassins, Jacob and Evie Frye, Jacob starts to have some feeling for you.

Dear Sister (Y/N) (L/N),

Sorry for not contacting you for sometime now. But I need your help, London has fallen.

Thrice I have written to the Brotherhood in Crowley, begging for there aid. Thice they have responded with silence. I hope you don't respond the same wayp.

I will understand if you will not come. It would be a long trip from Australia to London. But you must know about the threat that London is under.

The Templars have chosen a Grandmaster so ruthless, that sone might say that Reginald Birch, himself, had returned. His name is Crawford Starrick and he intends to rule the world. No means of industry nor society  escapes his iron fist.

By day, corrupted politicians hold court. By night, a dangerous street gang known as the Blighters strike frear in the hearts of the citizens.

Crawford Starrick sets his sights on the beyond. I know you must have important matters in Australia. But must I remind you: whoever controls London, controls the world.

"Well, I guess I'm off to London," I mumble to myself.

2 months later

I get off the steam ship at that docks at the river Thames. I stare at the city before me in awe. I've been to London before but the city always seemed to take my breath away.

I then start to make my way to Whitechapel where Henry's shop is. As I walk I notice how every borough looks different than the other. In Lambeth there are alot of homes and shops, the City of London is mostly appartments and shops, Southwark is mostly factories and there is Whitechapel which is the poorest of the boroughs.

I've heard alot of crime happens in Whitechapel. Poverty does make people do rash things.

When I reach Henry's shop I enter it and I notice he isn't at the counter. I look around for him.

"Henry, it's (Y/N)," I call out to him. I tuck a strand of my (H/C) hair out of my face, "Mr Green, are you hear?" I call out to him again but I am answered with silence. I walk further into his shop until suddenly my mouth was covered by a rather large hand and I had a knife up against my back.

"Who are you and what do you want with Greenie?" my attacker had a british accent. His voice was so demanding. His hand moved away from my mouth. I smirk and I elbow him in the stomach. He lets go of me and I turn around and I point a pistol at him.

I notice a top hat on the ground and I look back at the man that attacked me. He obviously was an Assassin but I kept my pistol drawn.

He had dark brown hair that was slicked back, hazel eyes, a slight beard that was growing and two scars on his left eyebrow and on the jawline on the right side of his facd. His face certainly wasn't bad to look at; in fact he was rather handsome. But I wasn't here in London to go around and frolick around and catch the eyes of men, I was here on more important manors.

"Who are you?! And what are you doing in Mr Green's shop?" I ask him with venom in my voice. The man before me smirks.

"I could ask you the same thing," The man tells me. I roll my eyes, "My name is Jacob Frye and I was here to retrieve something that Mr Green left behind," The man called Jacob tells me,  "Now this is where you tell me your name,"

"(Y/N) (L/N)," I tell him my name, "I'm hear to help Mr Green with getting rid of the Templar control here in London," I tell him with a smirk on my face.

Jacob's POV

I look at this woman as she points a gun at me. Regardless of that she has somehow...... mesmerized me. She's interning. Someone that I want to get to know more of. I don't know what it is but I like her spirit.

(Y/N)'s POV

Jacob just stares at me. I raise an eyebrow at him. I start to lower my pistol and I put it back in it's holster.

"Look, where is Henry?" I ask Jacob a little frustrated. I run my hand through my (H/L) (H/C) hair. Jacob chuckles and he picks up his hat that fell on the ground.
"How can I know that I can trust you?" he asks me. I step closer to him, close enough that our bodies wers almost touching. I look up at his hazel eyes. He takes in a sharp breath. I smirk.

"I could ask you the same thing," I say to him. Practically mocking him. Jacob laughs.

"Touché," Jacob says. I smile up at him. I step away from him, "He's staying with me and my sister on our train," I nod my head.

"Oh, you have a sister?" I ask him but it was more of a statement.

"Yes, a twin sister to be exact," Jacob tells me, "Evie is her name,"

"Will you take me to the train then?" I ask him. Jacob nods.

"My pleaser," Jacob says in a low voice. I roll my eyes.

"You do realize when this whole Starrick thing is over I will be going back to Australia," I tell him. Jacob smirks.

"We'll see about that," Jacob says. I roll my eyes again. Jacob then takes me to the train where we discuss plans on taking down Starrick.

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