Request: Shay X Reader X Arno (Modern)

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Requested by AnacanLabyrinth.

Image: You, Shay and Arno live together and you write fanfics about them. Also Arno loves baguettes.

Early in the morning, I was sitting on the couch on my computer. I was doing some of my private writing about the two wonderful guys I live with, Arno abd Shay. Two of the nicest guys that I ever met.

Before you ask, yes, I write fanfics about them. I finished up one about Shay. It was about a girl named Caitlìn McKay. She is an Assassin and she meets Shay whom is a Assassin turned Templar.

I currently write an Arno story. It is about a peasant girl named Alyssa Valentin and Arno saves her from extremists.

I stop writing for a second and I take a bite of a breakfest sandwich I made not too long ago. I found some pretty long pieces of bread and I thought they would be good to make a sandwich with. And boy was I tight.

I continue to write more and more. Until I hear the Irish man ask me something, "What are you doing on your computer, lass?" Shay asks me.

I quickly shut down and I close my computer. Shay and Arno didn't know about the fanfic stuff and I would like to keep it that way. I could never tell them.

"Nothing at all," I tell him. Shay just gives me a look but he lets it go. I take another bite of my sandwich.

"Uhhhh, (Y/N) what is that?" Shay asks nervously. I look at him then at my sandwich.

"A sandwich," I tell him. I take another bite.

"What did you use for the bread," Shay asks. I roll my eyes and I swallow the bite in my mouth.

"What is this, 20 questions?" I ask him with annoyance present in my voice. Shay rolls his eyes, "Look I found this long loaf of bread in the cupboard and I used some of it for a sandwich, so what?" Shay looks at me horrified.

"So everything!" Shay yells at me, "I think you just ate some of Arno's baguettes! You don't eat his baguettes," my eyes widen, "He is going to be so mad. You need to pack and leave the country, better yet this planet,"

"W-What will he do?" I asked with concern in my voice.

"There's no telling!" Shay exclaims. Then Arno comes down stairs. His brown hair was in a curly mess. He had a shirt and long pajama bottoms on. He rubbed his eyes.

"Why are you two yelling?" Arbo asks. I hide the rest of the sandwich and then I see our Golden Retriever, Cassy walk in the room.

"No reason," Shay says quickly. Arno shrugs and goes in the kitchen. Cassy notices that I have food and she paws at me to give it to her.

"Give it to her," Shay whispers to me. I quickly give the rest of the sandwich to the dog. She eats it quickly. I look at Shay.

"Do you think he will notice?" I ask Shay referring to the baguettes. Shay nods. Arno then looks in his baguette cupboard and he pulls out the opened bag and. He slowly looks at us and gives us a blank stare.

"Who ate my baguettes?" Arno asks with no emotion present in his voice. I cower slightly on the couch. Arno notices my uneasiness, "(Y/N)....did you?" Arno was still so abnormally calm. He looked so terrifying. I nod my head and I lower my head. He walks towards me, "You will rue this day!"

"Roux?" I ask, "Isn't that thickener you use to make sauces?" Arno facepalms himself.

"No! Rue! A regret!" Arno yells at me. I put my hands up in surrender, "You ate my precious baguettes so I will get my vendetta!"

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't know!" I tell him and it was the truth, "Will it make you feel better if I go out and buy you more baguettes?" Arno thinks for a moment.

"Alright," Arno says. I nod my head and I go in my room and I get dressed in a (F/C) sweater blue skinny jeans and my favorite (boot brand) boots.

I grab my purse and I go to the nearest bakery that was about 15 minutes away.

3rd person

Arno watches as (Y/N) drives away. He was already brewingba way to get his revenge over his presious baguettes that (Y/N) ate.

Shay was sitting on the couch eating cereal while watching the morning news. Arno goes to the kitchen and he pulls out thw remainder of his baguette roll and he chews on it. He finishes it off.

Hmmm, how can I get back at (Y/N)? Arno thinks to himself. He then looks at (Y/N)'s computer. Hmmm, what sercets does (Y/N) keep on his/her computer?  Arno thinks again.

He sits on the couch next to Shay and he grabs (Y/N)'s computer. Shay raises his eyebrow.

"Arno what are you doing?" Shay asks him. Arno smirks.

"I my friend am getting my revenge," Arno tells Shay. Shay shakes his head.

"But this is his/her privacy we are talking about," Shay tells Arno. Arno rolls his eyes.

"Come on! Don't you want to know what (Y/N) does on this computer?" Arno asks. Shay slightly nods.

"Okay, just for a moment," Shay tells him. Arno chuckles. Arno turns on the computer but then the password screen came up.

"Merde (Shit)," Arno cusses. He tries all some possible passwords it could be. Shay sighs and he takes the computer from Arno and he types something in.

Shay got the password correct and Arno's eyes widen, "Shay what was the password?" Arno asks him. Shay shrugs.

"Bananarama, all caps," Shay tells him. Arno's mouth makes an 'o' shape. About ten seconds later the home screen pops up. Also all of the apps come up. A writing document catches Arno's eye.

"Ohhhh, (Y/N) writes!" Arno exclaims, "Lets check it out," Before Shay could protest Arno already clicked on it. What pops up surpises them. Then Arno and Shay laugh.

"S-Shay (Y-Y/N) wries fanfics about you!" Arno laughs out. Shay then points to Arno's.

"Oh look there's one about you!" Shay laughs out.

Your POV

I come back to the house and I park my car in the driveway. I grab the grocery bag that had three baguettes in it.

I walk up to the front door and I start to hear laughter from the otherside. I shrug and I unlock the door.

I walk in an I see Shau and Arno.....on my computer. My face goes pale white. Arno sees me and smirks.

"Uhhh, guys why are you on my computer?!" I try to ask them calmly.  They continue to laugh. I facepalm myself.

"You found the stories, did you," I ask them. My face was beat red. They nod their head. I start to laugh slightly, "How did you figure out my password?"

"Oh, bananarama, you say it all the time," Shay tells me, "The stories are actually rather good,"

"Wait! You both read them?!" I almost yell at them. They nod their heads, "Oh, I'ma gonna kill you both," Arno quickly closes my computer and he and Shay run away as I chase after them.

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