Arno X Reader

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Picture above got me thinking. It was just like a 'I didn't really think about that' moment. Anyhoo, I don't want to bore any of you with a rant so on with with the story about (Y/N) and the handsome Arno.

I stand in the palace ballroom in The Palace of Versailles. I had a glass of wine in my hands. I drink whatever was left in the glass and I put it on a table.

I look down at my (F/C) ball gown. I look at Élise, who is dancing with a random man. I sigh and I start to look around at the ballroom. But then I feel Élise grab my arm. I look at her.

"(Y/N) you must dance with somebody," Élise tells me. I shake my head, "Oh, come on, people come to balls to dance and have fun!" I weakly smile at her.

"I just.... I just don't feel like dancing with random strangers," I tell her. Élise shrugs.

"Suit yourself, little sister," Élise says, "if you'll excuse me Monsieur Lévesque asked me to dance with him," Élise leaves my side and she goes and dances with a man whom I assume is Monsieur Lévesque.

I sigh and I look around and I see a familiar figure. I notice Arno walking into the ballroom. Huh, I didn't know Arno got a invitation. Arno sees me and he smiles.

Élise introduced us when we were children. We were best friends as children. We would always so everything together.

I smile back at Arno. I gesture for him to follow me. I occasionally look behind me, to make sure he is still following me. I walk around a corner, and I quickly go into a room.

I stand by the door until I see him walk in front of the door. I quickly grab one of his arms, and I pull him into the room.

Arno looks at me a little surprised. But then he wraps me in his arms. I lean up to him and I kiss his lips, Arno kisses back. I then place a smirk on my lips.

"I didn't know you got an invitation," I say. Arno shakes his head.

"I didn't, it seems you or your father misplaced it," Arno says. I pout.

"I begged for father to invite you but..... you know how he gets," I tell him. Arno leans down and he kisses me again. I wrap my arms around his neck. I look down at his outfit, well more like my father's outfit, "Are you wearing my father's clothes?" Arno chuckles.

"Well, I wouldn't have gotten in without the proper attire," Arno tells me. I raise a eyebrow.

"By the way, how did you get in here?" I ask him.

"I snuck in," Arno tells me. I peck his lips, "and the guards might be looking for me," I chuckle.

"Well if they ask, I'll just tell them that I never seen you here," I tell him. Arno pecks my lips again. But then we hear a knock on the door.

"Miss de la Serre? Are you in there?" We hear guards at the door. I look at Arno.

"You need to go... now!" I whisper yell to him. Arno shakes his head.

"Oh, no, your not kicking me out again like you did at the cabin," Arno tells me.

"Miss de la Serre, who's in there with you!" A guard asks me.

"I'll see you when I come home," I tell him. I peck his lips once more, "now go!" Arno climbs out a window. I open the door and I come up with a excuse to the guards.

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