Valentine's Special! Ezio (Modern)

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Image: You and Ezio broke up. He starts to miss you and he tries to win you back.

Warning: Smut 17+

I sit in my bedroom on my with a bottle of red wine in one hand and a wine glass in the other. I pour myself another glass which was my fifth one this that night.

The mascara that I was wearing was now smeared under my eyes because of my constant crying. I take a large slip of my wine. The redish purple liquid burns my troat. I just wanted to forget about him. I just wanted to forget about our life together, about every kiss, every hug, every tear that I sheded on his chest when I had a nightmare. I just wanted to forget about Ezio.

I look at the Maremma Sheepdog, Violetta, Ezio gave me on my birthday about a year ago. She is the sweetest dog I've ever had. I sniffle and I scratch behind her fluffy white ears. I gave her an Italian name since her breed comes from Italy. She licks my hand and jumps on the bed with me.

I bet she could sense that I was just very upset, "You're a good girl," I say in my baby voice, "You're all I need, screw men," she licks my face and I laugh slightly. I put my wine glass down on my nightstand and I think back to my break up with Ezio.


I sit on the couch getting ready to watch one of my favorite movies with Violetta. I made some popcorn and I set it on the couch. Violetta paws my arm for a piece of popcorn.

"No," I tell her. She gives me the cutest puppy dog eyes that she knew I couldn't resist, "Fine," I pick up a piece of popcorn, "roll over," I tell her.

Violetta rolls over and I give her the piece of popcorn. I pet her white fur. Just then my phone goes off. I pick it up and Ezio's name was on the screen. I smile happily and I anwser my phone.

"Hello," I answer with a smile on my face. I could hear him sigh.

"(Y/N) could you come over, I need to tell you something, and I don't want it done over the phone," Ezio tells me.

"Um, sure," I tell him. He then hung up the phone. I frown and I look at my dog, "well that was weird," I say. I grab my keys and Violetta gave me the saddest look, "Don't worry, mama will be back soon," I scratch behind her ear and I leave the house.

I get into my car and I drive to Ezio's house. Once I get there I knock on the door. After a few moments Ezio answered the door and lets me in. I smile and I wrap my arms around his neck and I kiss him. But oddly...he didn't kiss back.

I pull away and I hold his hand, "Hey, whats wrong?" I ask. Ezio pulls his hand away from mine. I was hurt slightly. Ezio doesn't look at me. I look at him with concern, "Ezio?" he finally looks at me.

"(Y/N)...I-I think we need to break up," Ezio tells me. I was shocked. He was breaking up with me.

"W-Why? What have I done?" I ask feeling that it might be my fault. Ezio looks at me and sighs.

"There is nothing you have done," he tells me, "I just...I just don't feel anything for you anymore," the tears starts pouring down my face and I walk out of his house. I get into my car and I drive away.

Flashback End:

Some more tears come down my face. I force myself to smile for my cute dog. I then start to feel tiered from the alcohol in my system. I soon pass out on my bed.

One week later

I take Violetta out for a walk in the park. She was happily running around without her leash on. I smile at her happiness.

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