Arno X Reader

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Just a few hours father died, Monsieur De La Serre. A witness saw someone very near and dear to ne murder him, Arno Dorian. But he couldn't have murdered my father.

My father treated Arno like his own son after Arno's father died. Father let Arno into our home! Arno couldn't have.

Élise seems to think otherwise. She knows Arno didn't kill father! But she blames him.

When we came home we founded a letter met for our father. The letter was a warning that someone was plotting against him. We found out from a man that was supost to deliver the letter to father that Arno was going to give it to him.

Élise blames Arno for the fact that the letter never got to father. But how would have Arno knew what was in the letter. He's innocent in all of this.

But now he sits in a prison where he would more than likely be there for the rest of his life. I have to see him.

Dressing into a simple (F/C) dress I go to the Bastille, where Arno is being held. Using some things that Élise taught me, I sneak into the Bastille through a window. Oh, if only Élise knew what I was doing, she would throw a giant fit if she found out.

I make my way through the Bastille. I quickly hid behind corners whenever I heard guards near me.

As I walk through the prison I hear the beautiful sound of a violin. But then the I hear a man calling for help.

"They're killing us! Oh God help us! They're killing the prisoners!" he shouts. When I reached his cell what I was met with was a man that ONLY had a powered wig on.

His gaze meets mine and he smirks. I look at the man with discuss on my face. I then quickly walk away from the cell.

I wanted to leave this God forsaken place but I needed to see Arno. Wrongly convicted Arno. As I walk I then hear Arno's voice.

"Hello! I must speak to someone!" I hear him yell. I follow the sound of his voice, "Open this door!" I hear him shout angrily, "I must speak with Élise and (Y/N) De La Serre! Do you hear me?! Élise and (Y/N) De La Serre!" his voice was closer now. Then I hear him banging on his cell door, "(Y/N) and Élise! Bring (Y/N) and Élise to me!" I then see two more guards and I hide behind another corner, "I'm no killer!" Arno's voice was even closer.

I then heared more banging on the cell door. The guards then walk past me. I then get out from behind the wall and I quickly walk over to Arno's cell.He had his back turned to the cell door.

"Arno!" I whisper is name loud enough for him to hear me. Arno turns around and he lets out a sigh of relief. He walks over to the cell door.

I reach through the opening in the cell door and I cup his cheeks. He does the same with me. He caresses my cheeks with his thumbs.He pull my face towards his and he kisses may lips.

"How did you get in here?" Arno asks me. I smirk slightly.

"I snuck in," I tell him. I then look around to see if there are any guards coming and none were around. Then I notice the scratch across his nose and cheek, "Oh, Arno," I kiss his wound like how a mother would kiss their children's injuries to make them better.

"I-I had nothing to do with Monsieur De La Serre's death," Arno tells me, "I swear to you, I didn't kill him," I break down.

"Oh, I know, I know!" I break down and tears come down my cheeks. Arno hugs me as best he could. Arno kisses my forehead. I then hear some guards coming. Arno kisses my lips once more.

"Go," he tell me. I let out a sob and I shake my head, "Go before the guards see you," Arno calmly tell me again. I then caress his cheek.

"I will figure out a way to get you out of here," I promise him. Arno lets me go and I quickly walk away from his cell with so much gilt in my heart for having to leave him there.

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