Request: Altaïr X Reader

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Requested by blackknight_1024.

Image: you and Altaïr get. married.

Fun Fact: The white wedding dress wasn't popular to wear on your wedding day until Queen Victoria wore one on her wedding day. Before, women just wore their best dress.

August, 24, 1194

My wedding day; the happiest day of my life. My mother and sister, Kala, help me get ready. Mother leaves out my wedding dress, which was my best (F/C) dress.

I look at my sister who seemed un-happy. Couldn't blame her. She was the older sister after all. Usally the older sister is married off first. But no, it was me he had eyes for, Altaïr, my fiancée. I always envied her beauty, I could never understand why she wasn't yet married. She was far more beautiful than me. But yet here I am getting married before her.

Mother smiles and she kisses my cheek, "How about we get that dress on you," I nod my head and mother and Kala help me with the dress. Once the dress was on, my mother backed up and she puts her hand over her mouth and starts to tear up some, "You look so beautiful!" she tells me and she hugs me. I hug my mother back. She backs up again, "I'm going to go get your father,"

My mother walks out of the room and I was left alone with Kala. She stands in front of me and fixes my hair. She cracks a smile.

"Younger than me," She says and then caresses my cheek, "More beautiful than me; married before me," I shake my head and I place my hand on top of her's.

"You're the beautiful one, I always envied you," I tell her, "You always had men following you like love-strucked puppies," Kala laughs.

"It seems we have reached an impasse," Kala says and she kisses my cheek, "This is your day, you should feel pretty on this special day," I smile she hugs me.

The door opens and my father abd mother come in. He was wearing his white Assassin robes. My father hugs me, "You look so beautiful," Father whispers.

"Thank you, 'ab (papa)," I say. He kisses my forehead. He links my arm with his and he walks me to the garden in Masyaf Castle.

I see Altaïr waiting at the alter for me. He was wearing his Assasin robes. I take in a deep breath and I let it out.

I have to admit it, I was nervous. What if I tripped and fell, with my luck. Then there is the wedding night. I was more nervous about that than anything else.

Altaïr sees me and smiles. His hood was off, exposing his light brown hair. I smile at him. My heartbeats started to become quicker as I got closer to the alter. Me and my father get to the alter and my father kisses my cheek and gives me away to Altaïr.

Altaïr makes one of his rare smiles again at me. He only smiled when I was with him. Takes my hand in his.

"You look beautiful," Altaïr tells me. My smile becomes wider.

"You look quite handsome," I tell him. He scoffs slightly. I chuckle, "What, its true," he kisses my forehead and I hum.

"I missed you," He tells me. I missed him as well. My mother wouldn't let me see him for five days! Five days! She said if I didn't stay away from him for a certain amount of time it would be bad luck for mine and Altaïr's marriage. I knew it was a whole lot of nonsense but durning my years of being on this Earth, I found out that it is nearly impossible to argue with her.

"I missed you as well," I tell him. The ceremony was mostly a blur. All I know is me and Altaïr saying out vows and the priest saying that Altaïr may kiss me. Altaïr leans down and kisses my lips. The kiss was slow and passionate. Altaïr cups my cheeks and I smile into the kiss. Our guests at the wedding started clapping their hands.

Altaïr and I break away from the kiss and he leans his forehead on mine. My smile becomes wider and I peck his lips.

I can't believe that I just married the man that I loved. Then about nine months later we had a son, Darim Ibn La'Ahad.

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