Desmond X Reader

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I struggle to get out of the grips of three men dragging me through this huge building. My (E/C) eyes are filled with panic.

"Let me go! You bastards!" I scream at them. I try to kick my legs, so they would loose their grips on me. But all it does is make them tighten their grips on me.

I yelp in pain. Then I stomp on one of my kidnappers foots. Then I elbowed another in the face. Then I kick the last one in the groin.

I run through the doors right in front of me. More panic starts to set in when I realise that I'm at a dead end. The big room right in front of me is white with a window the size of a big wall. Then I see a computer hooked up to two things. I see someone lying on one of them.

I panic more and I turn around to run. But I am met with a hard chest. I look up and I see my kidnappers. I back up and I hit another person. I turn around and I see a old guy with white hair and a white beard.

The old guy holds up a syringe, and he sticks it in my neck. I feel a little pain, then the sensation of drowsiness sets in. I fall to the ground, and my vision starts to blur

"Hook Miss (L/N) to the Animus," the old man says. That was the last thing I hear before I pass out.

Masyaf, Syria

I wake up in a room, wrapped in someone's arms. I look over and I see the man I love, Altair. I reach over and I caress his cheek. Then I lightly kiss his lips.

He opens his eyes. Those golden brown eyes that I love so much. His eyes stair into my (E/C) eyes.

"Good morning, Altair," I say while smiling. Altair brushes his thumb across my cheek.

"Good morning Myra (A/N: by the way Myra is your name in the Animus)," Altair says, still a little tired. I smile when he says my name. Altair leads down and he kisses me gently on the lips. But it becomes more rough.

My arms wrap around his neck. But then my vision darkens.

Present day

I wake up from that thing. I look around frantically. Then I see the old man.

"Where the hell am I!?" I ask agitated. Then I see the person next to me get up. I look at him and I admittedly recognize him, Desmond Miles. I glare at him, "What is this thing? And who the hell are Myra and Altair!?"

"First of Miss (L/N), you are in Italy, in one of the Abstergo facilities, second that thing is called an Animus, third Myra and Altair were master assassin's of the Middle Eastern Brotherhood," the old man says, "and this is......,"

"I know damn well who this is," I say with bitterness.

"Why are we here?" Desmond asks.

"Well Mr Miles, you and Miss (L/N) are connected to two master assassin's, named Altair Ibn La Ahad, and Myra Assam, who were as you both saw were with each other," the old man says.

"How are we connected?" Desmond asks.

"Genetically Mr Miles," the old man says.

"So you mean to tell us, that we just saw two of our ancestors?" I ask.

"That is precisely what the Animus does, it takes and decodes our genetic memories and projects them on the computer screen," the old man explains.

"What do you want with us?" Desmond asks.

"That will be discussed tomorrow, me and Lucy hear need to make some adjustments to the Animus," the old man says, "Lucy, would you be so kind, to so these two to their room?" The blonde haired woman, Lucy nods. Then she shows us to our room. I look around and I see that there is only one bed.

"Uhhhh, is this the only bed?" I ask. Lucy nods.

"Yes, if you don't want to sleep in the same bed, then you'll just have to work something out," she says and then she walks out. Before I could catch her the door locks behind her. Desmond trays to open the door.

"Great, we're locked in," Desmond says sarcastically. I roll my eyes. Desmond looks at me, "hey what's your problem," I scoff.

"My problem!? You left 'The Farm' without telling anyone, you left me there, after we planned to leave together!" I yell at him, "we were friends, you were my only friend, and you left me alone,"

"(Y/ N), I'm sorry for leaving you, I just thought...." Desmond starts to say, but I interrupt him.

"Oh, save it, you were only looking out for your own well being!" I yell at him, "to think that I had a crush on you!" I realize, what I just said, and Desmond looks at me in shock.

"You liked me?" He asks. My face turns into a shade of pink, from embarrassment, "do you still?"

"Why do you care?" I ask. Desmond leans in and he lightly kisses my lips.

"Because I like you too," Desmond says. My breathing hitched, and I kiss him on the lips gently.

"Yes, I still do," I answer his question.

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