Request: Valentine's Special! Shay (Modern)

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Requested by: Hanako109

Shay: It's WAY past Valentine's Day!

Me: I know!

Haytham: You are SLACKING!

Me: Yeah! No shit Sherlock!

Image: You and Shay just got married and are on your honeymoon.

Day 1,

After a very beautiful ceremony in a Catholic Church, and several kisses from my mom and dad. Also several joyful tears from them. Who knew my dad even cried! Shay and I travel to....well I have no idea where we are even going. Shay says it us a surprise.

As Shay drives his car to the airport, I can't help but get all giddy and excited about our trip. The thrill of not knowing where you are going just becomes too much to bare. But the real thrill, but also the most terrifying to me, is the wedding night.

I hardly ever seen him without his shirt on. We haven't even started to live with one another. After three years of dating him and five months of being engaged to him. On some nights we have slepted at eachother's places but nothing happened except for a few heated makeout sessions on the couch. Man....he is a great kisser.

Shay places one of his hands on my knee. I look at him and smirk slight, "Hey, both hands on the wheel babe," I tell him and he chuckles and puts both hands on the wheel. I kiss his cheek.

My (F/C) sundress clung to my body nicely. Shay told me we were going somewhere warm so I packed clothes appropriate for a warm climate.

We soon arrive at the airport and we board our plane. We find our seats and I sit down in one of the seats and Shay sits right next to me. I smile at him and I lay my head on his shoulder. Shay smilea at me and he holds my hand with my wedding ring and engagement ring. His hand with his wedding ring holds mine and I smile more. Shay plays with my engagement ring and kisses my knuckles.

I giggle and peck his lips. But then a stuffed animal was thrown at me. I look behind me and a five year old girl was glaring at bothe Shay and I. The mother looked at her daughter.

"Erica Mae!" the mother scolds her, "You apologize to that lady this instant!" the little girl pouts.

"I'm sorry," she says softly. I hand the mother the stuffed animal that looked like a panda. I smile at the mother and child. I look back at Shay and he kisses my cheek.

"Will you tell me where we are going now?" I ask him eagerly. Shay chuckles.

"No, it is a surprise," he tells me and I groan, "I want to see the look on your face once we get there," Shay grins and I pout at him.

"Please tell me," I pout like a cbild and I give him the puppy dog eyes and I bat my eyelashes to up the cuteness. Shay gives me a stern look.

"That's not going to work on me, love," Shay tells me with that sexy Irish accent of his. I truly adore his accent. I like how my name rolls off his tounge and other words also.

"You know, have I ever told you how sexy your accent is?" I ask him as I try to trick him into telling me where we going. Shay gives me a look that says he knows what I am trying to do.

"Aye, everyday," Shay tells me. I pout and sink into my seat, "I love you," Shay tells me and peck my lips. I smile at him, knowing I can never be mad at him.

"Baby, what time is it?" I ask him. Shay checks his phone and then puts it back in pocket.

"5:45 am," he tells me. I sigh and snuggle up to him. I close my eyes as I was tired from getting up at 2:00 in the morning, "Tired?" Shay asks me and I nod my head in response, "Get some sleep," he tells me and kisses the top of my head. I then go to sleep for about half of the 10 hour flight.

It was about 6 at night when we got to the airport and I look at Shay, "Now will you tell me?" I ask him. Shay smirks at me.

"Hawaii," Shay tells me. My jaw nearly nearly drops. My smile widens and I throw my arms around his neck. We then got off the plane after we go our bags. We walk hand in hand and get in a rental car Shay got before hand.

We get into the car and drive about an hour to get to our hotel. It was a 5-Star hotel called Halekulani Hotel. We check into our hotel and Shay was handed the key to our room. We go to our room and Shay unlocks our door. We were met with a beautiful room with white walls and fully furnished with two white love seats with lavender couch pillows. The room had an ocean view. Hawaii's Pacific ocean was so beautiful, so blue. I put my bag on the love seat. Then I see the large bed.

Shay puts his bag next to mine on the love seat. He walks behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He leaves soft kisses on my neck as he nuzzles me with his nose. I smirk and I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck.

Shay leans down and kisses my lips and I run my fingers through his thick dark brown hair. His hands move down my back and he grips my arse. I gasp slightly and his tounge delves into my mouth.

I battle him for dominance. He makes a slight growl and raveges my neck and collarbone with open-mouthed kisses. I breath heavily and I let out a moan as he finds my sweet spot. I could feel my underware start to dampen and a heat in between my legs.

I step out of my combat boots and I take off his grey shirt. I run my hands on his toned chest. Shay pulls down my dress and I step out of it. Shay looks down at my body. I was still wearing black lace bra and panties. He smirks and lowers me gently on the bed.

Shay sits me up and removes my bra. He kisses the valley of my breasts and I let out a breathy moan. I buck my hips forward and he groans slightly in response. I wrap my legs atound his waist and I try to kick off his pants that seemed like they were three sizes too small. Shay chuckles as he kisses down my stomach.

"Eager, are we, lass," He mocks as his fingers hook around my panties. I nod my head as the burning sentation became unbearable.

"Shay....I need you," I tell him. He takes off my panties and he kisses my lips.

"Patience...," Shay whispers in my ear. I whimper slightly and he suddenly starts to rub my womanhood. I moan out.

"Shay..." I moan out his name. He then enters two fingers inside of me. I let out a moan mixed with a groan. I throw my head back, "Oh god..."

"I think you are ready," Shay smirks as he could see I was a moaning mess underneath him. He takes his fingers out of me and I whimper at the loss of contact. He takes of his boxeds and he grabs my knees and opens up my legs further apart.

I bite my lip, in anticipation for what was about to come. Shay kisses my lips, "Are you ready?" he asks me and I nod my head. Shay kisses my forhead and enters me slowly until he was all the way in.

I cry out and I dig my finger nails into his biceps. A tear comes down my cheek because of the pain. Shay wipes my tear away.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked me, "Do you want me to stop?" I kiss his lip and caress his cheek.

"Please...don't," I tell him. Shay nods and allows me to adjust to his size. The pain felt like it lasted for hours but it soon turned into pleasure. I buck my hips forward and he starts to move in a steady pace.

I close my eyes and I wrap my legs around his waist. I let out a breathy moan. He starts to move faster and harder.

"(Y/N)..." he groans out. I kiss his lips and his thrusts become harder and he was hitting all the right spots.

"Shay!" I cry out. Shay lets a few grunts slip from his lips. He continues his pace but then his thrust starts to become sloppy.

I then start to feel a knot form in my stomach. I soon release around him and he soon releases his liquids inside of me.

He pulls out and rolls on his back. We breath heavily and his arms wrap around me. I rest my head on his chest.

"Wow," I breath out. Shay lets out a breathy chuckle. He kisses my forehead and I start to feel my eyes grow heavy and I fall asleep in his arms.

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