Request: Edward X Assassin Reader

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Requested by Zenolike45.

Imaige: You and Edward are on a mission together and on it you both start to fall in love.

June, 1721
Havana, Cuba

Havana, Cuba. A beautiful city. I sit on a wooden crate on the docks in my (F/C) assassin robes looking at the city. I cross my arms over my chest as I wait for that usless lout, Edward Kenway.

He brought me to Havana to do a mission but he decided to go to a bar first. That man is one of my best friends and I care about him but sometimes that man just gets on my nerves.

I let out a fustrated sigh but then I feel someone poke my sides. I jump and I yelp. I turn around and I see a surprisingly sober Edward. I guess he has a high tolerance to alcohol.

He chuckles at my reaction and I frowm at him, "You know I hate that!" I tell him. Edward chuckles more.

"That is why I do it," Edward tells me. I scoff and I put my hands on my hips.

"Well, it seems you are sober enough to help me track down our target," I point out. Edward smiles and pats my head thst was covered with my hood. I frown again, "Lets just get on with the mission. Okay," Edward nods.

"Okay," Edward says. I look at him and stare at his ocean blue eyes.

"Thank you," I say. Edward smiles.

"Lead the way," Edward say jokingly. I chuckle and I roll my eyes. I walk next to him as we walk to our destination, which was a sugar plantation.

The sun was starting to set over Havana. Havana seemed to be more beautiful in the setting sun. Edward and I took some occasional glances at eachother. Everytime our eyes met we just smiled and chuckled.

Just as darkness cloaked Havana, Edward and I found the plantation that our target, Diego Martez, owned. Martez is a Templar, a high ranking Templar in fact.

In the plantation I see many Spanish soldiers guarding the fields. Possibly making sure that no one goes in or comes out. But when did Edward and I let soldiers get in out way.

I smirk up at Edward, "Up for a challenge?" I ask him with a challenging tone in my voice. Edward smirks and rolls his eyes.

"I dout that they will be a challenge," Edward says with a cocky tone to his voice. I scoff.

"As cocky as ever," I point out. Edward chuckles. Then he maneuvers over the small wooden fence. I do the same and we sneak through the tall sugar cane fields.

I look through the sugar cane and I see Martez talking with two soldiers. They were speaking in spanish and I couldn't understand a word they were saying. I douted Edward could speak it either. Martez soon leaves the two soldiers and walks away. I looked at Edward and I looked down and I noticed that my hand was on top of his.

I blush and I quickly take my hand off his. I start to follow Martez but Edward stops me. I look at him confused.

"(Y/N) careful," Edward tells me. I chuckle and cock my head to the side.

"When am I not careful?" I ask him. Edward chuckles.

"Now who's the cocky one?" Edward asks with amusement in his voice. I lean my face closer to his. Our noses were nearly touching. Edward closes the gap between us and is lips smother mine. I kiss him back and I wrap my hands around the back if his neck. I run my fingers in his blonde hair. Then Edward pulls away, allowing me to breath. I smile and I peck his lips once more.

We then continue to tail Martez. But Edward holds my hand. I blush with his hand in mine. Martez the suddenly stops and Edward and I hide behind a building.

Edward looks behind the building and there were no soldiers near Martez.

"On three," Edward tells me, "one, two...three," both me abd Edward quickly, but quietly, rush behind Martez and we assassinate him with our hidden blades. He lets out a gasp but then he falls lip on the ground.

I look around and still there were no guards coming. Not taking a chance I pull on Edwards hand and we get out of the plantation before any guards detected our presence.

Once we were far from the plantation Edward pull me close to his chest and he kisses once again. I smile into the kiss. Edward places his hands on my hips and pulls me closer.

We pull away for air and I lean my head on his chest. I inhale the sent of sea and the stale rum that lingered in him.

Not too long later we go back to his ship the Jackdaw. I gave him a goodnight kiss and I went into my cabin. That night I couldn't stop thinking about the Pirate Assassin that kissed me.

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