Shay X Reader Part 2

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"What?!" Shay asks with shock on his face. I look at him with a serious look on my face, "Trust me, you don't want this life," I scoff.

"Then why are you in it," I ask. Shay looks into my (E/C) eyes.

"Because I want to help people," Shay tells me.

"I want to help people too," I say, "I don't want the same thing to happen to anyone else," Shay sighs.

"Are you serious about this?" Shay asks me. I nod my head. Shay searches my eyes for uncertainty. I sigh.

"Shay, I want to become a Templar," I tell him yet again. Shay sighs.

"Fine, but first you will have to learn how to fight," Shay tells me, "Then you can prove yourself," I smile.

"Then let's start my training now," I say and I start to get out of the bed. But then Shay holds me down. I look up at him, "What?"

"Are you well enough?" Shay asks me. I roll my eyes, but I was pretty grateful that he cared about my health.

"I'm fine," I reassure him. He then let me get up from the bed and then my training began.

2 years later

For the past two years Shay has been training me well. He has been teaching me how to fight in hand to hand combat, how to fight with a sword, how to use a gun, and stealth.

But the bad thing is that I think I'm falling for Shay. I mean he is a very attractive man, he is also caring and kind.

He even recommended me to Grandmaster Haytham Kenway to let me into the Order. I have been on a few missions with Shay, and I think I have proven my skill. I have done many Assassin Interceptions with Shay, and I even helped him take New York from the gang the Assassins work with

Me and Shay await on a rooftop to meet up with Weeks and Haytham. Shay looks at me and smiles.

"You know your skills have grown significantly since your first day of training," Shay tells me. I smile at him.

"Why, thank you, Mr Cormac," I say. Shay smile widens. Shay then looks away from me and he stairs at the setting sun. They sky was in Orange and yellow hues. It was a truly beautiful sight.

I keep looking at Shay but then I look away from him before he notices. I then look at the setting sun.

"The sun set sure is beautiful today," I say to break the silence. Shay glances at me.

"Aye, but I believe you to be more fairer," Shay tells me, I look at him and there is hint of a blush at his cheeks. Did he just flirt with me?

"Shay, surely you don't mean that," I say while letting out a laugh. Shay comes closer to me. I look at him. He places a hand on my cheek. I slowly grab onto the collar on his coat and I pull him closer to me and he kisses my lips. But then in the middle of the kiss we hear someone clear their throat.

We quickly break away from each other. We look behind us and see Haytham and Weeks looking at us. I blush from the embarrassment.

Then the mission goes as planned.

So tomorrow I start 11th grade. Yeah only one more year after this school year.

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