Connor X Reader

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Mother teaches me how to make a pie, specifically blackberry pie. Mother puts the freshly made pie crust dough into a pie pan.

"Now next you need to mash up the blackberries," Mother tells me. I look around for the bowl of berries. But I don't see them anywhere.

"Uhhhh, what berries?" I ask. Mother raises an eyebrow at me.

"What do you mean by 'what berries'?" Mother point to the table while looking away from it, "there right...." she looks at the table and she looks dumbfounded by the fact that there were no berries on the table, "there," her arm drops to her side.

Mother panics when she can't find the berries. I start looking around for them. Then I look in the living room and I see my adorable little Collie puppy, Millie. She looks like she is eating something. I sit on the ground, and I pat my legs.

"Come here girl, Millie come here," I say in my baby talk voice. Millie looks at me, with a happy look on her face and she comes running to me and she starts licking my face.

I get a good look at her face, and all around her muzzle is a dark blue color. I sigh and I scratch her head. I get up and I pick up the bowl on the ground.

"Mother I sort of found your berries!" I call for her. Mother comes into the room and she sees the empty bowl in my hands.

"Where are my berries?" Mother asks me. I point to Millie.

"Right now they are inside that puppies stomach," I tell her. Mother looks at Millie and she frowns at my puppy.

"Well that's just wonderful!" Mother sarcastically says, "honey could you go and pick some more," she hands me a basket. I sigh, and I nod.

"Yes Mother," I say sadly. I take the basket and I walk outside, and I walk into the forrest to find some more blackberries. I after about ten minutes of looking in the forrest I finally find a blackberry bush.

I start picking the berries of the bush and I put them in the basket. After about five minutes of picking berries I go to another bush beside it and I start picking more of them. After another ten minutes of picking berries I finally have enough for a pie.

I start to head back home until I hear twigs snap behind me. I turn my head slowly and I see a fully grown Grizzly Bear.

I look at it with fear in my (E/C) eyes. I slowly back away from it and then I run. The Grizzly roared, and it chases after me.

More and more panic sets in. I big hollow log, big enough for me to get into. I run up to the log and I drop my basket on the ground. I crawl into the log and I lie down in it, hoping the bear will just give up.

But with my luck, it started pounding its paws on the log. I start screaming at the top of my lungs. Tears start falling down my face. I start crawling further into the log.

The bear bashed through the log. I scream more and more. But then the bear roar and it turns around. Once it turned around I see a arrow on it's side.

Outside the log, I hear grunting from someone and roaring from the bear. I start to crawl out just enough to see what is happening outside.

I see a hooded man with a tomahawk. His robes were a cream color and blue. He was fighting the Grizzly Bear. The man attacks the bear with his tomahawk. The bear swats at him with its paws.

The man climbs a tree and he grabs his bow and he grabs an arrow from a quiver. He hooks the arrow on the string he pulls on the string with his fingers and he lets the string go. The arrow flys through the air and it hits the bear in the chest.

The bear cries out in pain. I crawl back in the log, not wanting to watch the scene before me. After about ten more minutes I don't hear the bear anymore. Then I hear footsteps stops at the log.

The man looks through the log he sees me and me motions for me to get out. I crawl out of the log. The man takes off his hood. Reveling the most handsome man that I ever seen.

He was obviously a native, but he was lighter skinned than the other natives that I have seen. He has long dark brown hair that reached his shoulders. His hair was half up. I look at his face. He has kind chocolate brown eyes, sort of thin lips.

I stair at his face for a moment longer, until his hand moves up and down in front of my face.

"Are you alright?" He asks concerned. I snap out of it and I nod my head.

"Yes, I am fine," I say with a weak smile, "Thank you for saving me," he shakes his head.

"It was no problem," he smiles.

"May I know your name?" I ask him.

"Connor," he says, "yours?"

"(Y/N)," I say my name. I look over at the log and I she my basket of berries that was surprisingly not touched from the attack. I grab the basket. I look at him. My (E/C) eyes meet his brown eyes for a second. He looks away quickly, he seemed very nervous around me. But I was a little nervous around him too.

"What are the berries for?" Connor asks me.

"Oh, um, my mother is teaching me how to make a pie," I say, "your welcome to come and have some pie with us," Connor shakes his head.

"No, Thank you," he says. I raise an eyebrow.

"I insist, I want to repay you," I tell him.

"I don't want to intrude," he says. I roll my eyes.

"Nonsense! It's not intruding if I invite you," I tell him. I grin and I motion for him to walk with me, "come, my mother makes the best blackberry pie!"

Connor chuckles. We reach my home were we all had the best pie in the world.

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