Altaïr X Reader

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Hello everybody, I am back with another one-shot for all of my lovely readers. The reason why that I haven't been updating is because I lost the passion to write, plus I had bad writers block. But I am back now and hopefully I will have more one-shots coming after this one. As well as more chapters for my other books.

"Altaïr....why don't you talk or so much as look at me anymore?" I ask the Mentor. He also happened to be my lover. I looked up at Altaïr's chiseled features and I frown when he refuses to acknowledge my presence. I reach out for his hand but he quickly moves his hand away from me. Hurt flashed across my (e/c) eyes as I looked up him.

"Ataïr...please..." I sniffle and my lower lip quivers, "What did I do to receive this neglect?" I ask barley about a whisper.

Still Altaïr didn't respond to me but I could see the annoyed frown that started to form on the corners of his lips. I missed those lips ravaging mine when we are alone. He was always kind to me...why is he being like this now?

"Do you no longer find me beautiful...?" I ask as my voice cracks, "Are you being unfaithful...?" that is what I feared the most. He talked about a Templar named Maria Thrope....he often talked about her quite frankly. I starter to suspect something off about a month ago. He was gone much longer than what was necessary for a mission.

"What makes you presume that I'm unfaithful towards you?" Altaïr finally says something to me. I somehow felt some sort of relief by hearing him finally talk to me.

"You turn me away when I try to touch you.." I tell him, "You always talk about this 'Maria Thorpe'....what is she to you?"

"She is a person on interest..." Altaïr shrugs and he then looks at some papers on his desks.

"Right," I roll my eyes in jealousy. I didn't really believe him, "You must be very interested in her," I boldly say. He raises an eyebrow at my statement and he makes eye contact with me.

"Are you insinuating something?" he frowns as he looks at me. I scoff and I cross my arms over my chest. I knew that he understood where I was getting at.

"You tell me...are you intimate with the Templar?" I wanted to lash out at him, but I knew he would overpower me in an instant.

Altaïr shakes his head but he doesn't say anything. Rage boiled inside of me, "Answer me!" I snap at him.

"Leave me in peace, woman!" Altaïr hisses at me.

"You are not answering me!"

"I don't need to tell you about who I am with when I am away!"

"You don't know how it feels to me when you talk about another woman!" I attempt to keep shouting but my voice breaks as I feel a tightness in my throat and tears threaten to pour from my eyes, "Or how it feels to be ignored...these days I wonder if you love me anymore...I feel unwanted by you," Altaïr doesn't say anything and tears pour down my cheeks. Altaïr's face softens and he lets out a sigh.

"I have kissed Maria once and I slept with her..." Altaïr admits and I start to sob more, "it was a mistake," I start to take deep breaths and once I calmed down I look at him again.

"Am I not good enough for you?" I ask with bitterness in my voice.

"(Y/n).." Altaïr shakes his hand and he goes to touch my shoulder. I slap his hand away and I glare at him.

"Don't touch me!" I hiss at him.

"I still love you," he tries to convince me and I chuckle dryly.

"If you loved me, then you wouldn't have had sex with that Templar whore!" I shout and I turn around to leave him, but he quickly grabs my forearm tightly.

"Where are you going?!" he asks with a stern tone to his voice.

"Away from you!" I shout, "Isn't it obvious?!" I then yank my arm out of his grip.

"Is this over?" Altaïr asks with anger to his voice.

"I don't know..." I tell him and I calm myself down, "I need some time alone," Altaïr lets out a fustrated sigh but he eventually lets me leave. I storm to my chambers and I sit on my bed that had crimson colored sheets.

I try to contemplate on what I should break up with the man that I've been in love with since I was on my sixteenth year, or stay with him knowing that he was unfaithful.

I spend about three hours in my room, just trying to figure out what I should do. I finally figured it out. I get up from my bed and I walk out of my room. I fiddle with my fingers as try to find Altaïr. I find him in the training area and I watch him train with the novices. His Assassin robes that usually covered his upper body where discarded.

After sometime, Altaïr notices me and he tells the novice that they will train again later. He walks up to me and I look up at him. He goes to lean in for a kiss but I press the palm of my hand on his chest.

"I need to tell you something...I've made my decision..." I tell him.


"I choose...."

I'm gonna let you guys choose what you would do. I would love to see all lf your answers.

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