Request: Edward X Reader (Modern)

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Requested by MrsKenway25.

I sit at a bar alone, just tapping my fingers around the glass of the drink that I ordered. Which was a simple beer. I sigh and I take a sip of my beer.

I came to the bar after a horribe day at work. People kept telling me (Y/N) do this, oh no (Y/N) do this. It was all too stressful. But I guess thats why it's called 'work'. God, I hate my job at the office. But the pay is descent.

My (E/C) eyes look at the brown liquid in my glass. Through the glass I see someone come up to me.

I look behind me and I see a man that was obviously drunk. I look away from the man. He sat next to me.

"What is a pretty lady, like yourself, sitting alone?" he asked with slurred words. He smelled strongly of alcohol, I gaged slightly. But I manage to grace him with a fake smile.

"Just trying to relax somewhat, and I prefer to do that alone," I try to give him the point that I was obviously not interested. But instead of leaving his hand gripped my leg.

I push his hand away but then he grips my wrist. His grip was tight. I force my wrist out of his grip. I look at the man straight in the eye.

"Look! I don't know what you expect to get from me," I say angrily at him, "But let me tell you something, your not gonna get it!" The man snickers and scoffs.

"Oh, I think you are," The man slurs. I roll my eyes and I start to get up from my seat. But the man grips my arm yet again. I try to yank my arm out of his grip, but surprisingly it was difficult to get out of a drunk man's grip.

"Hey! It's very obvious that the young lady isn't interested," I hear a male Welsh accent yell at the drunk man. I look at the Welsh man.

He had sandy blond hair, I see various black tattoos on his arms, I could see some scars on his face; they were probably from some fights that he may have been in. His pricing blue eyes look at the drunk man angrily. I couldn't deny it, the Welsh man was rather good looking. I hear the drunk man snicker.

"And what are you going to do about it?" the drunk man asks him with venom in his voice. The Welsh man chuckles.

"Look, just let the girl go before I knock all those teeth out of your mouth! Or better yet, before I put you into the hospital!" the Welsh man threatens the drunk man. The drunk man lets me go and practically runs away. The Welsh man walks up to me, "Are you okay?" I nod my head.

"Yes, and thank you......," I say not knowing his name. He smiles.

"Edward Kenway," He tells me his name. I smile.

"(Y/N) (L/N)," I tell him my name. Me and him talked until the bar closed at 10:00 pm.

"Listen, (Y/N) would you like to, you know, go on a date with me?" Edward asks me. I hardly knew him but then again I could get to know him more if I did go on a date with him. I smile at him.

"I would like that,"

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