Request: Shay X Reader

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Requested by assassinbrotherhoot

Four years, four god forsaken years since I've seen him. Seen him alive to be exact. Four years since he was shot and killed. Four years since I felt his lips on mine, four years since I felt his touch. Four years since I heard his soothing Irish accent. Four years since I left the Assassins.

I remember the ordeal like it was yesterday. I can still remember the cold winter night, the snow falling on my warm skin, the gunshot that killed him, that killed Shay.

I close my eyes and I picture how Shay looked like those years ago. The handsome, reckless Irish man I fell for. I pictured his black hair that reached to his shoulder's, his brown eyes, his smile. His picture becomes so clear in my mind it is almost as if he is real. I open my eyes and I could practically hear Shay's last words.


I see the other Assassins standing in front of Shay at the drop off of the cliff. I run up to them, attemping to get to Shay before my Brothers and Sisters did something drastic.

"Shay!" I was close to reaching him but two Assassins grabed my arms and kept me away from him, "Let me go!" I pleaded with them.

"Give back the Manuscript, Shay!" Hope pleaded with him, "I'm sure Achilles....."

"I cannot! I will not let this happen again!" Shay looks down the cliff, "All those souls lost, one more hardly matters," He starts to move closer to the edge of the cliff.

Shay went to Lisbon snd he came back distraught. He said when he picked up the artifact from the Precursor Temple, the temple crumbled down and a massive earthquake destroyed Lisbon. Of course I belived him but the others didn't. So to protect innocent live Shay stole the Manuscript.

"Shay!" I cry out to him, tears were streaming down my cheeks. Shay looked at me with a saddened expression on his face.

"I will always love you, (Y/N)," Shay tells me. I manage to get out of the Assassin's grasp and I run towards Shay. But before I could reach him I hear a gun shot and Shay fell down the cliff.

I stand in my spot frozen. The icy wind nips at my cheeks and blows my (H/C) hair. Feelings of anger and saddness filled me.

Tears were streaming down my face and I turn around and I see smoke coming out of Chevalier's gun. He putd his gun in his holster.

Rage built up inside of me and I slowly made my way up to him and I ready my hidden blade. I glar at Chevalier. He never noticed me coming, I lunge towards him and I pin him to the ground.

Chevalier looked up at me with fright. I try and plinge my hidden blade deep in his neck but Chevalier trys to push my arm away. Then I feel Liam and Hope drag me away from Chevalier.

"He killed him!" I accuse Chevalier, "That fucking bastard killed him!" Liam then throws me on the cold snow.

"Thats enough, (Y/N)!" Liam yells at me, "What the hell were you thinking?" I then broke down again and bury my face in my hands and start crying again.

"Oh, quit your crying," Achilles tells me, "Traitors are a bother to morn for," I glar at Achilles. I get up from the snow and I walk up to him.

"And what was is crime exactly? Hmm," I ask him with anger in my voice, "Trying to protect innocent lives! Or have you forgotten the Tenets the the Creed was formed by," Achilles glars at me.

"I know them very well," Achilles tells me. I scoff out a laugh.

"Then as far as I'm concerned, your the traitor! A Mentor that doesn't respect the three simple tenets of our Creed," I say with rage in my voice, "And I will never follow a Mentor that is like that," I walk away from him, mustering the strengh not to kill Achilles or Chevalier.

"Your making a huge mistake, (Y/N)! Achilles yells at me. I turn around and glar at him.

"No! The only mistake that I ever made was blindly following you!" I then leave behind the Assassins.

End of Flashback

I later met the Grandmaster of a Colonial Rite, Haytham Kenway. He rectuted me into the Templar Order. For four years now, I've helped the Templars with hunting down Assassins.

I sit in my room in the tavern that the Templars were staying at. I read a book to past my time until I hear a knock at my door. I close my book and I open my door. At the door I see Charles, I frown. I never liked Charles Lee, he has always been a suck up to Haytham.

"What do you want Charles?" I ask him with a fake smile on my face. Charles rolls his eyes.

"Mr. Kenway wishes to speak with you," Charles tells me. I walk past him, not even gracing him with a response.

I walk to Haytham and he was speaking with a man in a red and black Templar outfit. Haytham glances at me.

"Ah, I see you have decided to joins us Miss (L/N)," Haytham says. I smile at Haytham and the man he was talking to looks at me. He looked strangely familiar. Then I fully recognize him, Shay.

He looked so different; his black hair was tied into a poneytail, he had a scar across his left eye. I stand there shocked, my eyes never leaving Shay. I dout he even recognizes me.

"Are you alright Miss (L/N)?" I hear Haytham ask me. I break my trance and I look st Haytham.

"I'm quite alright, just zoned oit for a second," I tell him. Haytham nods and he points to Shay.

"Shay this is (Y/N) (L/N), and (Y/N) this is Shay Cormac," Haytham introduces us, but he doesn't know I already know who he is. Shay looks at me a little shocked, I guess he finally figured it out, "I have a mission for you both. You both will be going to a gang stronghold and take over it," both me and Shay nod.

We both walk out of the tavern. I don't even look at Shay. For four years he never even tried to look for me, leaving me to believe he was dead.

I then feel then feel him pulling me into a allyway and he huged me. I melt into the hug.

"Oh, god, I can't believe it's you," Shay mumbles into my hair. I look into his eyes.

"You left me alone for four years, Shay!" I exclaim. Shay sighs.

"I didn't know you left the Assassins, and I couldn't risk going back to the Homestead. Believe me, I wanted to," Shay explains to me, "I'm so...." I put a finger to his lips to shut him up.

"Your here now. So shut up and just kiss me already, Cormac," I tell him. Shay smirks and he leans down and he kisses my lips,
"You have no idea of how much I missed you," Shay mumbles. Shay then kisses my jawline and his lips connect with mine again.

At that moment we forgot about the mission entirely which we got our little Grandmaster in a very pissed off mood.

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