Request: Edward X Leader of the Raiders Reader

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Requested by MrsKenway25.

Image: You are a Captain of your own ship called the Raider, you protect Nassau from the Templars. Your older brother, Luke helps protect the Assassins from the Templars. But as for you, you don't really care about the Assassins.

I sit alone at a table at a tavern in Nassau. I stair at the pint of rum in my hands. I look over to my ship The Raider. She's not a very big ship but she is powerful. The intimidating blackflag on my ship flaps around in the wind.

I then look at my crew and they all drink happily. I smile and I look back to the docks and I see The Jackdaw come into the dock. I smile more as I see Edward at the wheel of his ship.

I quickly drink the rest of my rum and I run up to the docks. I stop halfway there to check if my (F/C) short sleeved shirt and my (2ndF/C) shirt are in place. 

I continue to run to the docks and I see Edward step off his ship. He sees me and I run into his arms. I kiss all over his face and then finally his lips.

Edward chuckles at my reaction of him coming back. I miss him so much. I missed his sandy blond hair, his blue eyes, his touch and his lips on mine.

"You missed me, lass?" he asks sarcastically. I take a step back and I cock my head to the side.

"Of, course I did," I tell him, "I mean who wouldn't miss the dashing Edward Kenway," Edward smirks.

"The Spanish soilders, for one," Edwards says.

"Besides them," I say. Edward tucks a strand of my (H/L) (H/C) hair behind my ear. I kiss his lips once more and I take his hand, "Come, lets get some alcohol to warm your belly," Edward laughs.

"You know me so well, lass," Edward says. I smirk and I pull him towards the tavern. Once we get to the tavern, I see no other than my older brother, Luke, sitting at a table with his feet prompted onto the table. He smirked at me.

We looked alike; with the same (H/C) hair and the same (E/C). We even had similar noses and smiles. I knew what he was in Nassau for, to try and get me to join the Assassins, like he did, yet again. Luke gets up from his chair and holds out his arms.

"My dear, little......." he starts to say. But I stop him.

"For the last time, NO, I will not join your little cult!" I yell at him. Luke sighs.

"For one, I wasn't going to ask that," Luke tells me, "And two, I'm here to help you protect Nassau," Luke smiles. I scoff.

"I don't need your help," I tell him. Luke frowns then he smirks.

"Oh, please you need it and you know it," Luke tells me.

"Thank you, but I already have some help," I say while gesturing to Edward whom was already having a pint. Luke scoffs.

"The threat is much bigger than a band of pirates can handle," Luke tells me, "Nassau needs the help of the Assassins,"

"The Assassins aren't the solution to all the worlds problems, you know!" I yell at him, "What have they done?! Huh! There the reason why mother snd father are dead!" I raise my voice more, "If you stay on the same path as them, you will meet the same fate as them!" Luke scoffs.

"Oh, your the one to talk!" Luke yells at me, "If you continue being a pirate your the one that will surely die in a spanish prison!" I sigh and I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Luke, I will be fine," I tell him. I smile weakly, "Don't worry so much about me," Luke smirks.

"And I will be fine so don't worry so much about me," Luke says, "But whatever we say we will always worry about eachother," I give my brother a hug, "I knkw you don't care about the Brotherhood, you know, after mom and dad died," a few tears roll down my face. Then Luke weakly smiles, "The Raider is a fine ship, (Y/N),"

"Thank you, Luke," I say. Luke lets me go and smiles.

"Well, if you need anything I will be staying in one of the cabind in your ship," Luke says. I raise and eyebrow as Luke walks away.

"I didn't say you could," I tell him. Luke smirks.

"Are you really going to let me sleep outside," Luke whines. I sigh and I allow him to sleep in one of the cabins of my ship.

I look at Edward, who was talking with James Kidd aka Mary Read. I go over to him and I sit in Edward's lap. Edward smiles at me and he wraps an arm around my waist. I kiss Edward's lips, I could tast the rum on them. Mary looks at ua with a discussed look on her face.

"Oh, can't you not do that somewhere else!" she nearly yells at us. Edward smirks.

"No," Edward tells her, "No we cannot,"

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