Request: Shay X Templar Reader

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This one was requested by bannana10

I stand next to Shay on his ship The Morrigan. I pulled a prank on my brother, the Grandmaster Haytham Kenway, he is about seven years older than me. I snuck in his cabin on the ship and while he was taking a bath in the washroom. I ground up some poison ivy that I found into a fine powder and I put it in his cloths . This is going to be hilarious.

Shay glances at me, I look at him. I lean my back on the rail in front of the wheel. Shay's brown eyes look into my (E/C) eyes.

"What are you thinking, love?" Shay asks me. We kept our relationship a secret, especially from my brother. Only God knows what he will do if he found out.

"Nothing," I smile at him. He still stairs at me. I laugh a little. I can't wait until I see Haytham start itching himself!

"Tell me," Shay practically demands me to tell him. I shake my head, and I laugh more.

"I sort of pulled a prank on Haytham," I tell him. He raises an eyebrow.

"What did you do?" He asks me. Before I could answer Haytham came up from under the decks. Haytham kisses my cheek.

"Good morning (Y/N)," Haytham tells me.

"Good morning to you too Haytham," I say to Haytham. Haytham starts to frown and he scratches his arm for a second. Then he starts to scratch himself more and more.

"Master Kenway, are you alright?" Shay asks.

"I'm fine, Master Cormac," Haytham tells him, but by the expression on his face he is not fine. Shay gives me a look that says 's is you do this?'. I nod my head and I try to hold back my laughter.

Haytham then starts to scratch himself vigorously. He starts moving around more, he itches himself everywhere.

"Why the hell am I so itchy?!" He yells. I could not hold back my laughter anymore, I just let it out. Haytham looks at me, "did you do this?!" I nod my head.

"Guilty as charged!" I laugh out. Haytham glares at me.

"I'll get you back for this!" He yells at me.

"I can't wait!" I yell back at him. Haytham goes back down the deck. Shay starts laughing.

"What exactly did you do?" He asks me.

"I grounded up some poison ivy leaves and I put them in his clothes while he was taking a bath in the washroom," I tell him, "and I just started a war with him,"

"How so?" Shay asks raising a eyebrow.

"When we were children, we pulled pranks like that on each other, it always escalated to where we started setting traps on each other," I say, "so for a while I would be careful on where you walk,"

"How do those things end?" He asks a little concerned.

"Until one of us had enough, and don't worry Haytham most of the time gets enough of my traps pretty quickly," I say.

"You both better not damage my ship," Shay warns me.

"Don't worry your ship won't even be touched," I tell him. I look around to make sure no one was looking, no one was and I quickly kiss his cheek.

"By the way I can help you set some traps for Haytham to get into," Shay tells me. I look at him wide eyed.

"Wait you would help me prank your boss?!" I ask him surprised.

"Sounds fun," he says.

So for the next two weeks Shay, Haytham and I were on a prank war. Me and Shay set up up some traps that Haytham got into. Like he tripped on a piece of string and a bucket of water fell on his head. Haytham eventually gave up, and me and Shay won. We mistakenly celebrated with a kiss.

Let's just say that Haytham saw us and he wasn't too happy.

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