Request: Modern Edward X Reader

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Requested by Animus_Assassin_01.

Warning: Smut

Image: Wedding night

My mother kisses my face for literally the one hundredth time today. She gives me a sad smile and caresses my cheek. I was my wedding day. The happiest day of my life. I married the man of my dreams. Edward James Kenway. My handsome Welsh husband. Other people would find him intimidating because of the scars on his face, but I absolutely adore his scars. They suit him in a way.

"Take good care of yourself, and call me in the morning," my mother tells me. I smile and I hug her again.

"I will be fine, mama," I promise her, "and yes, I will call you when I get the chance," my mother smiles and kisses my cheek again.

"You shouldn't keep your husband waiting any longer," she tells me. I nod and I tuck a piece of my (h/c) hair behind my ear. I walk up to Edward who was standing by the docks where his sailboat was. He smirks at me and I cup his cheeks and kisses his lips. His calloused hands land on my hips and his fingers caress the fabric of my (f/c) sundress as he kisses me back.

"Are you ready to leave, lass?" Edward asks me. I nod my head and we step onto his sailboat. We wanted to spend our honeymoob out on the sea. We both had a love for sailing, so what better way to spend our honeymoon than a few days sailing.

Edward suddenly picks me up bridal style as her drops our bags on the deck. I squeal and giggle in surprise. He kisses me again and he opens the door to the cabin. The cabin was just as nice as Edward's sailboat.

Edward lies me down on the bed and he starts to kiss me deeply

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Edward lies me down on the bed and he starts to kiss me deeply. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. I moan into his mouth and he kisses me rougher and his hips grind against mine and I moan louder.

I was nervious about doing this. I heared from my friends that is was painful the first time. But I try to keep that thought out of my mind and tried to focus on the pleasure I was feeling with just him grinding up against me and kissing me. I could feel myself geting wetter and wetter. He stopped kissing to take off his shirt. I admire how his mussles moved on his body.

He smirks as he catches me staring at him, "Like what you see?" he asks as he tosses his shirt somewhere in the cabin.

"Yes," I practically moan out. He smirks and he lifts my dress over my head and he removes my bra. I quickly cover my bare chest with my arms as I was uncomfortable with my body. I let out a shakey breath but then Edward gentley kisses my lips and moves my arms away from my chest.

"You are beautiful," Edward tells you, "so beautiful," he pulls my panties off and he pulls off his pants and boxers. He spreads my legs further apart and he enter me slowly.

I lets out a cry of pain and tears come down my cheeks. I whimper as Edward wipes my tears away with his thumb.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asks and I shake my head. I grab the back of his neck and bring his face down and kiss his lips.

"I love you," I tell him and I caresses his cheek.

"I love you too," Edward says and the pain turns into pleasure. I buck my hips forward and he starts to move his hips. I let out a series of moans. I grab onto his sandy blond hair and he starts to pound into me mercilessly and was hitting all the right spots that had me screaming his name.
We both soon reach our climaxes and we were breathing heavily as he lies down next to me. I try to catch my breath as my eyes roam the room.

"Are you okay?" Edward asks me. I nod my head.

"Better than okay," I tells him and he chuckles. I smile and I lay my head on his well built chest.

"Sailing for three days," he says and I smile and nod.

"Maybe we'll see dolphins," I says with a giggle.

"Maybe," he chuckles, "or a whale?" he wraps his arms around me and I trace the tattoos on his arms and chest. I then nuzzle my head into his chest and yawn. I close my eyes and fall asleep in my husband's embrace.

Edward: Fucking finally! You finally update annd you write a one shot about me!

Me: I know right!

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