Shay X Pregnant Reader (Modern)

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"Just tell him," (F/N) says. I shake my head, and I sit on the couch next to her.

"What if he doesn't want a child?" I ask her. She rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"Well then he will just have to deal with it," she says, "he married you, he knew that it was eventually going to happen," I smile, feeling a little better.

Last week I found out that I was pregnant. I haven't told Shay yet because I am afraid of how he will react to it. (F/N) looks at me.

"Okay, you have to tell him sooner or later," she states the obvious.

"I know, I know," I say, "I just don't know how to tell him," she raises a eyebrow.

"Say something like 'Shay honey, I need to tell you something, I'm pregnant,' and then wait for his reaction," she says. I roll my eyes.

"Okay if you were in the same predicament that I was in you wouldn't know what to say!" I tell her. (F/N)'s face softens.

"Okay this could end in one of two, no wait, three ways," she says, "Way number one, the best outcome, he is happy and loves you more, Way number two, bad outcome, you two get into a fight and one of you leaves the other, Way number three, the worst possible outcome...."

"I don't think I want to here Way Number Three," I interrupt her. She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

"Well too bad, Way number three is that he kills you," she says nonchalantly. I glare her

"Okay one I don't think that will happen!" I say, "and two why would you say that?" She gives me a serious look.

"Hey that has happened before!" She says, I still don't believe her, "don't believe me, look it up!"

"Well that's just because, the people that killed those women were emotionally unstable," I say, "and Shay, the last time I checked, is stable,

"Then tell him!" (F/N) nearly yells at me.

"Tell me what?" I turn around and I see Shay at the door. (F/N) grins at me, I shake my head. She gets up and heads to the door.

"(Y/N) has something to tell you!" She says and then runs out. I sigh, Shay looks confused.

"What the hell was that all about?" Shay asks, he throws his grey coat on the couch, and he sits next to me on the couch, "and what is it you're going to tell me,"

"(F/N) just really wants me to tell you something," I weakly smile at him. Shay then pulls me to his lap.

"Tell me then," he says, I look at him trying to figure out a way to tell him.

"You know what happens in spring, right?" I ask him. He raises a eyebrow at me.

"Uhhh, yeah, the trees start budding new leaves, the snow melts, and it starts to get warmer," Shay says, "why do you ask?"

"Is there anything else you can think of besides those things?" I ask him. He thinks for a moment.

"Well from those nature shows your always watching, all I can think of is animals being born," he says.

"Do you ever think about us having a family?" I ask him. He looks at me.

"It would be nice," Shay says, he starts to play with my (H/L) (H/C) hair. I smile.

"What if I told you that soon enough that you will be a father?" I say while smiling. He looks at me with the realization on his face.

"Are you...." He starts to say, I smile more and nod. Shay smiles and kisses me roughly. Shay pulls away, and is arm wraps around my waist. I grin.

"You know (F/N) was telling me some ways of me telling you about the baby would end, Way Number Three was you killing me," I say, Shay starts chuckling.

"My dear, I wouldn't do that no matter how much you annoy me sometimes," he says, I punch his arm playfully.

"And who says you don't annoy me sometimes!" I playfully say. He kisses my cheek.

"Sweetheart, I live to annoy you," Shay says, and I roll my eyes.

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