Valentine's Special! Jacob (Modern)

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I know everybody, I'm slacking.

Image: First Wedding Anniversary!

Warning: Smut 17+

I look at the (F/C) lace nightie that was laid out on the bed. I was debating on whether or not to take my normal clothes and put on the nightie and (F/C) lace panties. I have never really worn anything like that before. Especially not in front of Jacob.

Today was our first wedding anniversary. So I decided to buy that nightie that some men would consider sexy to wear. Jacob has been working alot recently so I thought I know...loosen him up a little. Sure he is already a pretty easy going guy but lately he has been strangely uptight like his twin sister, Evie. Its very unnerving.

"Oh, fuck it! It's for Jacob," I say to myself, "We've done this several times since the wedding night," I continue to talk to myself, "Then has always been him seducing me, not the other way around," I take off my clothes and I put on the lace nightie and lace panties. I look in my make-up bag and I grab my red lipstick. I put a thin layer of lipstick on my lips.

I look in the mirror and I smile at my appearance. Jacob won't be able to resist me. I then hear the front door open.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Jacob calling for me. I quickly climb on the bed and I lay down in a position that would surly get his attention. I don't answer Jacob, I don't make a sound, "(Y/N), love!?" I still don't answer. I hear him step closer to the bedroom door. He opens the door.

Jacob sees me and his jaw nearly drops from his face. I smirk and I bite my lip. He was holding a bouquet of red roses in his hand. He puts the flowers on the nightstand.

"This is a very nice surprise," Jacob chuckles out. I sit up and I wrap my arms around his waist. I kiss his jaw and I was leaving lipstick markings.

"Do you like it?" I whisper. Jacob lowers me onto the bed and I was lying on my back. Jacob hovers over me, he kisses my neck. I hold back a moan.

"Yes, I like this very much," Jacob says against my neck. I run my fingers through his dark brown hair and I pull on it. I flip us over to where I was straddling his waist. I smirk and I starts to unbutton his shirt and I throw it somewhere in the room. I kiss his tattoo of a bird on his chest. I kiss down his toned chest and I pull his pants down. I come back up and I smother his lips against mine. I grind my hips against his in a teasing fashion. Jacob groan and his calloused hands fall onto my back.

He slips off the nightie covering my chest. I continue to grind on him and I start to feel his trapped  hardness poking at my leg. I started to feel my lace panties start to feel wet. Suddenly I feel myself being flipped over and Jacob was hovering over me again. He smirks and he kisses the mound of my breast. I let out a quiet moan as he sucks on it and he massages the other one. Jacob leaves my breasts and he kisses down my stomach to my underware. He kisses my thigh and my inner thigh. I moan more and more.

He slips off my panties. He spreads my legs open further. I bite my lip and his mouth wraps around my cilt. I let out a breathy moan that was mixed with a shriek. His arms wrap around my thighs, his tounge then enters inside of me. I grab fist fulls of his hair. I throw my head back and produce a series of breathy moans.

"Jacob!" I moan out his name loudly and I release around his mouth. I breath heavily and Jacob comes back up and he kisses my lips, making me taste myself, "Jacob..." I moan out, "please...I-I need you," I beg. Jacob smirks slightly and he kisses my lips again.

"You do now?" he mocks. I close my eyes and I nod my head. I wrap my legs around his waist and I try to kick off his boxers. Jacob smirks some more and he takes off his boxers. I cup his cheeks and I bring his face down and kiss his lips. Jacob groans and he enters me in one push. I moan loudly and I dig my fingernails into his biceps.

Jacob starts to roll his hips against mine. I moan out his name as he starts to thrust faster and harder. I buck my hips forward and he groans and moans as he thrusts into me. Jacob quickly pecks my lips and he continues his thrusts.

"Jacob!" I felt like that was the only word that I could say at that moment. Like I forgot any other word. His thrusts start to become more sloppy as he was close to reaching his climax as I was too.

I soon release around his member and not too long after he pulls out. Jacob rolls over onto his back. We breath heavily Jacob wraps his arms around me.

"Y-You are bloodly brilliant," Jacob tells me. I laugh slightly and kiss his cheek, "And so damn sexy," I blush furiously. I smirk and I straddle his waist.

"Are you wanting a round two?" I ask him. Jacob smirks up at me and his hands fall on his hips.

"Maybe," he says with a amused chuckle. I lean down and I kiss his lips once again and round two started.

Ezio: Slacker!

Me: Well sorry! I have school!

Jacob: Fuck it!

Me: How about noooo!

Altaïr: *flexes hidden blade* Teachers are Templars.

Shay and Haytham: *Put hands up in surrender and slowly back away*

Me: *lowers Altaïr's blade and chuckles nervously* No killing teachers!

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