Liam X Assassin Reader

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I run through the woods. I climb up a tree and I start running through the tree lines. I look down below me and I see a hooded figure on my tail.

He had his white hood on and his brown coat over him. I keep running through the trees. I swing of a branch and I land on another tree.

"(Y/N)! Get down from that tree!" I hear the man below say, "I'm going to catch you sooner or later," I smirk.

"No, I think I would rather stay up here, Liam!" I tell him. I start to laugh a little. But then ahead I see that the tree line is becoming thinner and I jump of the tree that I was on and I run on the ground.

I run as fast as I could from Liam. I slide under a fallen tree trunk and I continue to run. At this point my lungs were burning and my legs were starting to burn ad well.

I hear Liam's footsteps come closer and closer to me. He then ended up tackling me to the ground. I landed on my stomach with a hard thud. I groan in pain, but it quickly goes away. Liam flips me over to where I was lying on my back. He propped homself on one of his elbows and his other hand caressed my cheek.

"Where are you going to go now?" Liam mocks me while smirking. I grin and I reached my hand and I pushed his hood off his head. Revealing his very short red hair and his blue eyes.

I place my hand to his cheek and I caress it. Liam leans down and softly kisses my lips. I moan into this kiss and he then becomes more rougher with it. Liam then leaves my lips and he kisses my neck. I think about what my twin brother, Shay, would think if he saw us like this. I chuckle at the thought. Liam stops kissing my neck and looks into my (E/C) eyes.

"What amuses you, (Y/N)?" Liam asks me. I twirl a finger through my (H/C) hair and I smirk.

"I was just thinking of what Shay would say is he caught us like this," I tell him. Liam sighs and he caresses my cheek.

"Nevermind of what he would think," Liam tells me, "He's in Lisbon, when he comes back then you can start worrying about it," I smile and I peck his lips.

"But, he is your friend and I don't want to ever come between you two," I tell him. Liam sighs.

"You could never do that," Liam tells me, "Besides if he did forbid it, I would still sneak into your room at night," I laugh out and Liam chuckles. I wrap my arms around his neck and ravage his lips with kisses.

"Liam! (Y/N)!" we hear Hope calling us from a distance. Me and Liam quickly pull away. Both me and Liam groan. Liam gets up, letting me stand up. Liam kisses the top of my head.

"Well, I guess we mustn't keep Hope waiting," I tell Liam. He wraps a arm around my wait and pulls me close to his chest. I reach up and I kiss his lips once more. But sadly we had to go and see what Hope wanted.

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