Reqest: Jacob X Reader

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Requested by Azula_The_Mad_Sis

Image: I am heartless Assassin who is transferred from another country to save London.

I'm an assassin of the American Brotherhood. I used to feel love and compassion until the night my family was murdered right in front of me. Now I feel nothing, nothing at all. It's as if I have no heart at all. It's like the Templars who killed my family took my heart with them. I feel no sympathy for anything that I do. Not even for the Templars that I kill. Am I a monster? In America the other Assassins call me the Black Widow because of my un merciful nature.

My mentor had me go to London because of the threat that the Templars have there. According to my mentor the new Grandmaster of the Templars in London is called Crawford Starrick, and according to a associate of my mentor it is as if Reginald Birch returned. I'm happy to go; I mean London, the churning seas of London.

While I wad in London I met two Assassins, Jacob and Evie Frye. Twin Assassins that came to London to eliminate Starrick. I have worked with them both a few times, but I personly like to work alone.

I ready myself for another mission in my train car in Jacob and Evie's train hideout. My mission was to gather some infromation on a Templar by the name of Connor Prior.

"Where are you going to, love?" I hear Jacob from behind me ask. Shit! I look at him with annoyance.

"If you must know, I'm going out to find a Templar named Connor Prior," I tell him. Jacob sits in the plush chair I had in my room and he leans back and crosses his legs on the coffee table in my room.

"Sounds fun. Mind if I join you?" Jacob asks me. I look at him again.

"First off I work alone," I tell him,   "And second, would you please get your feet off my table!" Jacob puts his hands up in surrender and gets them off.

"Please can I come with you?" Jacob practically pleads with me, "Besides, I have nothing better to do," I sigh.

"Fine, but don't cock this up like you did the last time I let you xome with me on a mission," Jacob gets up from the chair and he stands in front of me.

"Then shall we?" Jacob says. Once the train stopped in Lambeth me and Jacob got off the train in search for the Templar.

As we walk I notice Jacob taking a few glances at me. I would occasionally take a look at him also. I hate to admit it, but he was very handsome. Jacob looks at me again and grins.

"What?" I ask him. He just shakes his head and he looks at me again.

"I was just thinking of what would happen if a drunk man came on to you," Jacob laughs out. But I just shake my head and look at him with no emotion what-so-ever. Jacob frowns at me.

"Why don't you ever smile?" Jacob asks me, "Everytime I try to get you to at least smile you just give me this heartless stair!" I look down and sigh.

"I no longer know how to smile," I tell him, "Or he happy for that mannor," I look at him dead in the eye, "And I don't want to do neither of those things for that mannor. I don't want to be happy," I bitterly say the last part. Jacob scoffs.

"What would it take to make you smile?" Jacob asks me. I glar at him.

"Don't try because it wont work," I tell him. Jacob grins and he drags me away from the location of my target, "What the hell are you doing?!"

"We are going to forget about the target and I'm going to get you to smile even it is the last thing I do," Before I could register what is happening I feel a pair of lips on mine.

I look at Jacob wideyed I push him away from me. I feel my cheeks get warmer from my the blush that rose to my cheeks. Jacob smirks and I put my hand to my lips and I couldn't help but smile slightly at Jacob's smile. Jacob looks at me shocked.

"I can't believe it!" Jacob exclaims, "I finally made the heartless assassin smile!" I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, "And I made her laugh too!" Jacob kisses me again and I feel my heart swell with happiness.

Jacob Frye the only person that actually made me feel truly happy.

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