Edward X Pirate Reader

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I take the wheel of my ship, The Nightingale. My sister, also my quartermaster, Sarah stands beside me. I wear a (F/C) shirt that shows my shoulders, a black corset, black tight pants and grey boots.

My (H/L) (H/C) flows through the wind. I look at the blue sails on my ship, and I see the infamous black flag with the white skull and crossbones on my ship. The flag symbolizes that we pirates don't serve under one country.

I look at Sarah, we look alike. We have the same (H/C) and the same (E/C). I look back at sea.

"What do you think, Sarah?" I ask her, "should we get back to Nassau?" Sarah looks at me.

"We have been sailing for two weeks now," Sarah says, "what do you think?" She smiles. I laugh a little. But then I hear one of crew call me.

"Captain, a pirate hunting ship is coming straight towards us!" A person from my crew shouts to me. I look over and I see a ship with the distinctive red sails. Mine and Sarah's eyes widen.

"Prepare for an attack, men!" I yell to my crew. I steer the ship away from the Pirate Hunter. The ship starts shooting its cannons at my ship. The cannons hit my ship and I stagger a little. I look at my crew, "fire the cannons!"

The cannons go off and they hit the Hunter. Then more and more cannons go off from the Pirate Hunter, more than we can handle.

"Ready the moters!" I shout. The crew readies the moters, "and fire!" The moters go off and they hit the Pirate Hunter, "Again!" The moters go off again and they hit the Pirate Hunter again. Then the Hunter's moters went off and they nearly destroy my ship.

"Shit!" Sarah yells. Me and Sarah fall on to the deck. The crew from the Pirate Hunter come aboard my ship and they start attacking my crew. Both me and Sarah get up and I get my swords out and I start fighting the pirate hunters. I dodge their attacks but they fail to dodge mine.

I see Sarah struggling a little with the group of pirate hunters around her. I run to her aid, I kill two by stabbing them in the back without them noticing me. Sarah stabs one in the neck and another in the lung.

I look around and I see that my crew members are dropping like flies. I look at Sarah panicked.

"Sarah, were losing!" I shout to her. She looks around and sees that our crew is falling. She looks at me panicked. I quickly hug her, then I start to kill more of our invaders. Sarah quickly joins me in the fight. Then after a minute or two she stops fighting. She points to something.

"(Y/N), look," I look over and I see a pirate ship. Oh, thank God. Then I recognize the ship, The Jackdaw.

"It's The Jackdaw," I say with relief. Me and Sarah go back to fighting the pirate hunters, then Sarah turns to me and smirks.

"Doesn't your lover boy Captain that ship?" Sarah asks me while she kills another. I look at her and frown.

"Your really going to ask me that at a time like this?" I ask her, while I slit another throat. She looks at me and smiles.

"Why not?" She laughs. I roll my eyes. Then I see the Jackdaw crew come aboard my ship, and they attack the hunters. Then I see the captain, Edward Kenway, Come aboard my ship.

He kills the hunters, like they were nothing. He blocks attacks to him with ease. His assassin robes suit him very well. Then out of the corner of my eyes I see a brute come after me with an axe. I get out of the way of his axe at the last second. But then the brute knocks me to the ground. I look up and I see the brute raise his axe to me. But then I see his eyes roll to the back of his head, and then his body goes limp and he falls to the ground.

I gasp a little, and then I see Edward was the one who came to my aid. I look around and I see that there are a lot less of the hunters than there were before. Edward holds out his hand and he helps me get up from the ground.

I stand up and Edward's blue eyes meet my (E/C) eyes. I hug him tight. Then Sarah kills the last hunter. Edward looks down at me.

"Are you alright, love?" Edward asks me. I look up at him, and I nod.

"Well considering the fact that I could have been taken to a Jamaican prison today, I'm fine," I say. I let go of Edward, and Sarah runs up to me and hugs me, we hug each other tight. We are all we have, since our parents died ten years ago.

Then we let each other go, and we inspect the damage to our ship. The sails are tattered, the hull has many holes in it, and the deck has so much debris. I look at Sarah with frustration.

"How are we going to pay for this damage?" I ask her. Sarah shacks her head, but then she has an idea.

"What about the all of that money we took from all of those ships we plundered?" Sarah says. My sense of hope lights up.

"Well until your ship is repaired, you both can join me on The Jackdaw," Edward offers us. Sarah nods her head.

"We would love to join you!" Sarah says before I could speak. Edward walks back to his ship. Sarah grins at me, "your welcome," she whispers to me.

The Jackdaw docks back in Nassau. Me, Sarah, and Edward get off the ship. Sarah goes to the small tavern, but then Edward grabs my hand and he drags me and he pins me up against a wall. He starts kissing my lips, and his hands land on my hips.

"Oh God, I missed you," Edward grumbles. I wrap my arms around his neck, and I pull him closer to me to deepen the kiss. I slowly pull away.

"I missed you too," I coo to him. Edward starts kissing my neck, and he looks at me and smirks.

"How about I show you how much I missed you," he whispers in my ear. Before I could answer Edward picks me up bridle style, and he carries me to his home.

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