Desmond X Reader

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Desmond chases after me through The Farm. I run away from him laughing. I run past the other residents of The Farm, and they all give me disapproving looks. I run to a big tree on the hill that over sees. The Farm.

I turn around and I don't see Desmond anywhere. I smile and giggle. I slow down my pace, and I start walking. I look around some more and I don't see Desmond anywhere still. My (E/C) scans my surroundings, all I see is the same thirty people that I see every day in the distance.

"Desmond!" I call for him worried. But then I feel myself being tackled to the ground. I panic a little, and then I see Desmond smirking. I sigh and I push him off me.

Today is Desmond's 16th birthday. Well I'm 15 years old.

Desmond pins me back onto the ground and he starts kissing my lips. I smile and giggle. Our parents never knew about us being together, no one did. Desmond pulls away, and he looks down at me. He then looks around at The Farm and frowns.

Desmond always hated it here, I never liked it too. We have never seen anything outside The Farm. His father's training methods often scared us. He always said it was to make us into better assassin's.

"I have a plan," Desmond says to me. I reach up and I caress his cheek.

"And what plan is that?" I ask Desmond looks at me and grins.

"Well, for us to get out of here," he says. I smile a little, but then it fades.

"You know we can't leave," I say sadly. Desmond sits up and then he frowns.

"Why can't we?" He asks me. I sit up and I bring my knees to my chest.

"We're too young," I say, "if we leave we will just get caught eventually, and we will be sent right back here," Desmond puts a hand on my shoulder. I look at him.

"We will get out of here, no one will ever find us," Desmond reassures me. His brown eyes meet my (E/C) eyes and I peck his lips, and I lean my head on his chest. The wind blows my (H/C) hair slightly.

"Desmond!" We hear Desmond's father call him. Desmond sighs and he gets up and he walks to his father.

"(Y/N)!" I hear my mother calls me. I sigh and I get up and I go to her. She sees me and she smiles.

"What's wrong mother?" I ask her concerned. She shakes her head.

"Nothing is wrong, just wondering where you were," mother says. She walks away.

"Okay then," I mumble. I go back to the hill and I sit down with my back against the tree. I see Desmond come back and he sits down next to me, and then he lays down and he rests his head on my lap.

He looks up at me and I play with his brown hair. I look down at him. I think of what life would be like if we left, and I sounds nice.

"Desmond," I say.

"Yes, (Y/N)," Desmond says.

"Lets leave, tonight,"

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