Callum X Reader

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A long time ago, in a chapter far far away, I promised either a Callum one shot or a Aguilar one. Well here is a Callum one.

Huntsville Penitentiary, Texas, U.S.A

"Cal?" I look at my boyfriend of two years. He didn't answer me. He looked like he was starring into space, "Cal?!" I finally got his attention and he looks at me. I glance at the prison guards thst guarded all of the exits in the visitation room. I hold onto Callum's cuffed hands. He kisses my hand and cracks a slight smile. A tear falls down my face as I knew that tonight would be his last night on Earth.

Our one year old daughter sits on his lap as she looks up at her daddy. She had his red hair and blue eyes. She looked like him. She would never know him. Never remember his voice or how much he loved her. You smile slightly at them two.

"I love you, Cal," I whisper as my voice cracks. Callum sighs and he lets go of my hands. He bounces our daughter, Melody. She giggles and claps her hands.

"Just stop," he says with a blank look on his face. I look into his eyes with confusion on my face, "Stop doing that," he looked down at Melody and ruffled her curly red hair.

"Stop doing what?" I ask as my eyes fill with tears. Callum sighs again and gave me a stern look.

"Stop saying you love me," he says as he rolls his eyes. I scoff and I hold back my tears.

"Why?" I ask as I fiddle with my fingers, "It is the truth, I want you to remember that when they...." I glance at one of the prison guards as I couldn't finish the sentance.

"Will you be there?" he asks with a sniffle. I hold his hands again and I nod, "Don't bring Melody," he tells me.

"I won't bring her," I say and I get out of the chair and I kneel in front of him, "I will take her to my parents' house before I come," I caress his cheek and I kiss his lips deeply. Callum kisses me back and he cups my cheeks. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gladly let him in.

This was the last kiss I would have with him. I wanted to make it as heated as possible. I grab the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. But then Callum pulls away.

"(Y/N)...promise me something," Callum says and I look at him, "After I die...promise me you will move on and be happy," I just burst into tears and I hug him and sob into the crook of his neck. Melody looks up at me with saddened eyes.

"Mama?" she says in her small voice. I pull away from Callum and I look at Melody with teary eyes. I manage a smile and I place my hand on her small cheek.

"Mama is okay, Mel," I tell her and she smiles slightly. I kiss the top of her head.

"Alright! Visiting hours are over!" a guard yells out. You look at Callum and you peck his lips for the last time.

"I love you both so much," Callum says to Melody and I. More and more tears fall down my cheeks and Callum kisses my lips again.

"Hey! Did you hear what I said?!" the guard yells at us. I glare at the guard.

"Hey! We are saying goodbye! Mind your own damn business!" I yell at him. The guard huffs and I caress Callum's cheek. Tears fall down my cheeks and I pick up Melody from his lap. A guard then takes Callum back to his cell.
I try to fight back the sobs as I hold Melody close. I walk out of the prison and I walk to the car.

The next day I went to Callum's exicution. I saw the fear in his eyes and I had to walk out as I couldn't bear to see him like that.  Death by lethal injection...what a horrible way to go.

Melody would never remember her father. I have pictures is not the same as being with him. To hear his voice, to be held by him. A picture can't replace those things.

My first Callum one shot. I hope it wasn't too bad.

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