Request: Élise X Oc James

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Requested by Brian2005.

Image: James confesses is love for Élise.

James's hazel eyes stair into space. He was thinking about the love of his life, Élise de laserre. He loved he firey red hair and her piercing blue eyes. He loved everythinf about her. But he couldn't tell Arno.

James remembered how much Arno still loved Élise despite Élise breaking up with him, he didn't want to hurt his best friend ever since childhood.

Arno introduced Élise to James when they were children. James loved her ever since. But when James saw Élise and Arno kissing under a tree all those years ago, it broke James's heart, no it shattered his heart into a million pieces.

It broke his heart more when he found out that Élise was a Templar. James was raised to be an Assassin, like his father and mother before him.

"James, James!" Aron called James's name. James broke from his trance and looked at Arno, "Earth to James," Arno chuckled out.

"Sorry," James pushed his black hair away from his face, "What did you say?" Arno scoff.

"Okay what's with you," Arno asks his friend. James looked at Arno wide eyed.

"Nothing is wrong with me!" James tells Arno. But Arno knew that was a lie.

"Come on, James, we have been friends since we were children. You can tell me anything," Arno tells James. James scoffs.

"Believe me, I can't," James tells Arno, "You would be ferrous if I told you," Arno scoff.

"I promise I wont," Arno says. But James knew that Arno would be mad if he told Arno the toughts he had of Élise.

"And I can promise, you will," James tells Arno. Arno puts his hands up in surrender.

"Fine I give up!" Arno says, "Don't tell me you like Élise!" James's eyes widened.

"How in the hell did you....?" James starts to say but Arno interrupts him.

"It's kind of obvious," Arno chuckles out, "Very obvious, I've seen the way you look at her,"

"Y-Your m-mad?" James studders out. Arno chuckles.

"Why should I care who you like?" Arno asks, "Besides, I'm over Élise," James grins, "Go and tell her before it's too late," Without any hesitation James runs to the De laserre household.

He runs into the massive house and he finds Élise in the library. She had her back to him, she was scaning a bookshelf for a book to read. Élise finally turned around and was surprised to see James.

"J-James what brings you hers?" she asked him. James sighs and he walks closer to her.

"I need to tell you something, Élise," James tells her. Her blue orbs looked into his hazel ones with worry.

"James, what troubles you?" Élise asked worried about her friend. She loved him but she never realized it when James almost died about a month ago.

James was almost killed by a Templar but Élise saved his life by killing the Templar. Despite the fact that James was an Assassin, her enemy. But still he was her friend.

"Nothing troubles me, Élise," James tells her with a weak smile on his face, "I just need to tell you that......," James didn't know how to tell her. He wanted to say those three little words but they wouldn't come out, "That I......I'm....oh fuck this!" he then kissed Élise.

She was surprised at first but then she melted into the sweet kiss. She ran her fingers through his thick black hair. He did the same with her red hair.

"I love you Élise," James tells her. Élise pecked his lips. Élise smiled.

"And I love you," Élise tells him. James smiled and kissed her again.

What non of them knew was that Arno was sitting in a bar where he was gripping a glass too tight and his eyes were practically twitching with anger.

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