Altair X Novice Reader

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I lie in my bed, thinking about the Master Assassin, Altair. I know that it is wrong to think about him considering the fact that I am a novice and he is a master assassin. He would never pay any attention to the likes of me, or care for me for that matter.

I get up from my bed and I rub my (E/C). I run my fingers threw my (H/L) (H/C). I put on my novice robes, I brush my hair and I put it up in a side braid with a black ribbon. I walk out of my room.

"(Y/N)!" I hear my friend (F/N), who is also a novice, call for me. He/She runs up to me.

"What is it (F/N)?," I ask him/her.

"Al Mualim wants to see you," (F/N) tells me. I scoff. He ONLY wants to see me when I did something wrong.

"What did I apparently do this time?" I ask him/her in frustration. He/She shrugs.

"I don't know, he just told me to come get you," he/she says. I nod and I head toward Al Mualim's study.

Once I get there I see him hunched over his desk with his back towards me. I speak up.

"Al Mualim, you wanted to see me," I say loud enough so he could hear. Al Mualim turns his head to me.

"Ah (Y/N), I wanted to see you because I wanted to inform you that you are going to continue your training with Altair," Al Mualim informs me. I look at him a little shocked. Altair is going to train me? This is going to be fun! "And (Y/N),"

"Yes," I say.

"Remember, show him the outermost respect," Al Mualim warns me. I roll my eyes.

"When have I not showed any of my trainers respect?" I ask. Al Mualim smiles.

"Good point," he says and I grin. I walk away and I head for the training area. I see that Altair is there and I stand frozen.

He had his hood off, which was rare, I could see his short brown hair, his golden brown eyes, and his scare on his lip.

Altair comes up to me and he folds his arms. I look at him strangely.

"What?" I ask. He looked at me like I was doing something wrong.

"Well aren't you going to show me how you are in combat?" Altair says, like he expects me to know what he wants me to do.

"Uh... How was I supposed to know what you wanted me to do if you didn't give me any instructions?" I ask him. Altair looks like he is about to say something but then he drops it.

"Just go into the arena," Altair commands. I listen to him. I go into the arena, and Altair joins me. I take of my novice robes leaving me in my white shirt, black pants, and my black boots. Altair does the same but he isn't wearing a shirt underneath his robes. I could see his abs. Is that a six pack?

My face starts to turn a little pink. But I quickly push it away. I look away.

"Ready?" Altair asks me. I look at him and I nod.

We ready our stances. I wait for Altair to signal me to fight. Then he gives me a nod. I throw a punch at him but he dodges it. He grabs my arm and he throws me. I fall on the ground. Altair comes up to me. I kick him in the leg and I make him fall to the ground. I quickly get up, then he gets up. He throws a punch at me which his fist come in contact with my stomach, I fall to the ground and I groan in pain. Altair gets on top of me and he puts a stick to my neck.

"If this was a knife, you will be dead," Altair says a little darkly. I smirk.

"But it isn't, so I can do this," I knew him in the groin. Altair groans in pain. I grab the stick and I get on top of him, "Now look who's dead,"

I giggle a little. He makes a smile, despite the pain he is in. Altair's golden brown eyes meet my (E/C) eyes. Altair flips me over, and he pins me to the ground and then he crashes his lips on mine. I melt into his kiss, which sends slivers down my spin.

Altair pulls away and he looks down at me. My breathing shakes a little. Altair pushes himself off me, he helps me up from the ground. We both put back on our robes. I see two male novices smiling and waving at me. I wave back but I give them a weak smile.

Altair frowns when he sees then staring at me. He picks me up and he throws me over his shoulder, still holding on to me, and carries me like that back inside the headquarters.

"Put me down, Altair!" I laugh. He puts me down where we are secluded from everyone else, and he kisses me again. I kiss back and I cup his face. I giggle escapes my mouth, and Altair smiles.

"I don't want to see you look at any other man but me," he says. I look up at him.

"But what if they look at me," I say. Altair smirks.

"Well that would be the last mistake they will ever make,"

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