Shay X Reader (Modern)

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I sit in the my college world history class quietly, surround my my friends Desmond, Altair, Ezio, Connor, Edward, Haytham, Arno, Jacob, and my boyfriend Shay. (A/N: By the way in this one shot Connor, Edward, and Haytham are just going to be cousins).

Yes all of my friends are guys, I just don't like to deal with the drama when it comes to being friends with women. So in other words I hate drama.

I listen to my teacher ranting about the Spanish Inquisition. I already knew almost everything about the Inquisition, because I already learned about it in high school.

"Miss (L/N), would you mind telling everyone who started the Inquisition," my teacher Mr. Clark instructs me to do.

"The Spanish Inquisition was started by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain, since they were both devoted Catholics and they wanted all of Spain to be Catholic, but they got Pope Sixtus the fourth to establish it," I answer. Mr. Clark smiles.

"Very good Miss (L/N)," Mr. Clark praises me. Jacob taps my shoulder.

"What are you? A walking encyclopedia!" Jacob asks me, surprised that I knew that much. I shrug.

"I studied this subject in high school," I tell him, "also I researched it on the internet," they all look at me,"Hey it's not my fault if I love history!" Altair looks at me.

"Well it's just that you know a lot about all of these moments in history, I just don't see why you are taking this class," Altair says. I raise an eyebrow.

"Well if I'm going to be a history teacher I need to take this class," I explain to him. Altair puts his hands up in surrender. Shay kisses my cheek.

"For what it's worth, I love how smart you are," Shay whispers in my ear. His Irish accent sends shivers down my spine.

"Mr. Auditore, would tell everyone when the Inquisition officially ended," Mr. Clark instructs Ezio. Ezio looks at me hoping that I would give him the answer, "and don't depend on Miss (L/N) for the answers," I giggle a little.

"Uh... I don't know, 1810?" Ezio says unsure. Mr. Clark shakes his head.

"No, but you were close, it officially ended in 1808," Mr. Clark says. The bell rings. "Alright everybody have a great Winter Break," everyone leaves. Me and my friends walk out.

"Okay (Y/ N), what will you be doing," Connor asks me.

"Oh, Me and Shay are visiting my parents, the plane leaves tomorrow," I explain.

"What will you all be doing?" Shay asks.

"Well me, Connor, and Haytham are going to visit our family, as you can imagine there will be a big family gathering.

"I'm going back to Italy to visit my mother and sister," Ezio says.

"I will be visiting my parents, where there will be a awkward family dinner," Desmond says being sarcastically happy. I laugh.

"Well I'll be visiting my sister back in England," Jacob says.

"I'll be hanging out with Arno, there will be possible drinking," Altair says. I nod remembering there families died.

"Well, we will see you guys after break," I say. Shay slips an arm around my waist and we walk away from our friends. We get in Shay's car and we drive to our apartment.

We stop at the apartment complex, and we go to our our apartment, and Shay gets out the keys and he opens the door. I put my bag on a chair and I walk to our room. I walk up to the closet and I open it. My (E/C) scans the now opened closet for my suitcase. I finally find it, and I carry it to my and Shay's bed.

I go back to the my dresser and grab enough clothes to last the week and a half at my parents house. I see Shay come in and he gets his suitcase and he starts packing his stuff.

I go to our bathroom and I grab my hair brush, shampoo and conditioner, and I grab Shay's shampoo. I get ready to toss it to him.

"Think fast!" I say before tossing it to him. Shay catches his shampoo. I put the rest of my stuff into my suit case. Shay finishes packing and I flop down on to our bed. Shay lies down next to me, and he puts his arms around me. I turn my head and I peck his lips.

"Ready for our long flight tomorrow?" Shay asks me. I shake my head.

"No, not really," I say, "I don't like flying," Shay places a few kisses on my neck.

"Well I'll be there to hold your hand," Shay says lovingly. I smile and I kiss him gently on the lips. Then I fall asleep in his arms.

The next thing I know the alarm goes off. I put a pillow over my head. Shay groans and he turns off the alarm on his phone. Then he turns to me.

"(Y/ N), one day that alarm is going to go off, and I'm going to throw that phone across the wall in a fit of frustration," Shay says seriously. I giggle a little.

"I wish we could stay in bed all day, but sadly we have to get up and get to the airport," I say tiresome.

I get up and I put on a green shirt, blue jeans, and my blue sneakers. I look at Shay who is wearing a red shirt, black pants and black hiking boots. We grab our suitcases and we head to the airport.

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