Request: Edward X Reader

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Requested by AssassinGirll.

Image: You and Edward are married and you both go to London with Edward's daughter, Jennifer.

"Edward James Kenway, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have to hold. For better for worse. For richer for poorer. As you both shall live?" the priest at mine and Edwards wedding asks Edward.

I couldn't believe I was marring the man I loved! The love of my life. I smile up at my soon to be husband. Edward looks at me and smiles.

"I do," Edward says and he slips the gold wedding band on my left ring finger. My smiles grows wider. The priest then turns to me.

"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have to hold. For better for worse. For richer for poorer. As you both shall live?" the priest asks me. I nod my head.

"I do," I say and I put Edward's gold wedding band on his ring finger. The priest smiles at the both of us.

"Then by the power bested in me, by Nassau, I now pronouce you both husband and wife," the priest tells us. He then glances at Edward, "You may now kiss your bride,"

Edward then brings me in for a kiss. I close my eyes and I cup his cheeks. His lips move in sync eith mine. In the background and I hear people clapping, Anne Bonny, Adewale, my parents, my brother and sister and Edwards daughter, Jenny. I smile into the kiss and Edward places his hands on my waist.

We soon break away, too soon in fact. Edward wraps an arm around me and I leab my head on his shoulder and I put a hand on his chest.Edward and I smile at everyone.

Two months later

I smile as I remember mine and Edward's wedding. I sit in a chair in the captain's cabin in Edward's ship, the Jackdaw.

About a month ago Edward, Jenny and I set sail to return to England. Edward saysb that in about two weeks we will be there.

It was about 11 at night and Jenny just went to bed in her cabin. Soon enough Edward comes back inside our cabin. I look up at him and I smirk. Edward smiles at me.

I stand up from my chair and I hug Edward. I kiss his lips and I play with his sandy blonde hair. Edward smirks down at me. His hands fall dowm on my waist. He kisses me again and his short beard scratches my cheek. I giggle slightly.

I cup his face and we end up falling onto our bed. I giggle and blush bright red. Edward crashes his lips against mine. I moan against his lips. I wrap my legs around his waist. Edward starts to ravage my neck with kisses and I moan louder as he kisses my sweetspot.

My fingers tangle in his blonde hair, "E-Edward," I moan out his name. Edward kisses my lips again.

My hands fall on his chest and I start to take off the robes covering his chest. Just as they were falling off his shoulders we hear a knock at the door.

Edward lets growls in fustration. He looks down at me and kisses my lips, "We will continue this when I get back," Edward promises. I place my hand on his cheek and I smile slightly.

"Come back soon," I tell him and I kiss his lips once more. Edward gets up from bed and he walks out of the cabin while fixing his shirt.

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