Ezio X Reader

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I walk around the streets of Florence with my friend (F/N). I walk around in my favorite (F/C) simple dress. I walk around thinking about Ezio, the way he kisses me, the way he caresses my cheek, the way he whispers in my ear.

I smile at these thoughts. But then I see (F/N) wave her hand in my face.

"Hey, Earth to (Y/N)," (F/N) says to me, trying to get my attention. I look at her.

"What is it (F/N)?" I ask. (F/N) looks at me and she rolls her eyes.

"I was saying, what do you think about this shawl?" (F/N) holds up a green shawl and puts it over her head. It does look pretty.

"I think it looks good," I say. She smiles.

"Then I think I'll buy it," (F/N) says smiling. I smile at her enthusiasm. My (E/C) eyes look over at the shawls. They all look pretty, but I can't afford any of them. (F/N) looks at me, "Why don't you buy one,".

"You know my father doesn't make much money," I say. The wind starts to pick up a little and it blows my (H/C) hair. My friend turns to me.

"I know, I'm sorry," she says sadly. I smile.

"It's okay, you didn't mean anything by it," I say. (F/N) face brightens up and then she hugs me, then she looks a little worried.

"What time do you think it is?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"About noon, I think," I answer her.

"Oh, I promised Danielle that I would go out with him today, bye," (F/C) says and then runs away. I sigh and I continue to walk through the streets of Florence. My (E/C) eyes stair at the beautiful scenery.

The streets start to get a little crowded after a while. I walk through a side street, where hardly anyone was walking through. I continue to walk through it until I came to an intersection. Where someone pulls me into their arms.

The person feels taller than me. His big arms wrap around me. I know exactly who this person is, Ezio. I look up at him and smile. His brown eyes meet my (E/C) ones. He leans down and kisses my neck. I moan a little. Ezio groans.

"I missed you so much, mio amore," Ezio whispers in my ear. I giggle a little.

"Ezio, it's only been two days," I giggle. Ezio chuckles.

"Well bella, it feels like an eternity," Ezio says. I wrap my arms around around his neck, and I kiss him on the lips. His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

" Ti amo (I love you), Ezio," I say lovingly to him. Ezio smiles.

" ti amo anch'io (I love you too), (Y/N)," Ezio says. Ezio kisses me on my lips passionately. His hand slip under my dress. His touch sends shivers down my spine. My hands cup his face. I pull away slowly from the kiss to breath.

I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck. Ezio hugs me tighter. I play with his brown locks of hair. Ezio caresses my cheek with his thumb. Then he grabbed my hand and kissed my palm. His fingers intertwine with mine.

"Let me walk you home," Ezio says, and I smile and nod, and then he walks me home where my father stands by the door frame and he smiles when he looks at me but glared when he looks at Ezio. He always thought he was a bad influence on me, but I don't care. I love Ezio.

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