Request: Shay X Assassin Reader

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Requested by silent_bxtch.

Warning: Smut

Is it wrong to love your enemy? To deeply love them in fact? To have a romantic relationship with your enemy? To me its not.

Shay Patrick Cormac, enemy to the Assassins (which means he is supost to be my enemy), Templar of a Colonial Rite and my lover. Our relationship was very much so forbidden. Well.....thats what makes it more exhilarating.

But it has been a few months since I have seen him. We both have been busy. The Assassins keep me busy with various missions. The Templars keep Shay busy with only God knows what. But yet again I am stuck doing another mission that Achilles sent me on.

I had to go to New York to aid Hope's gang. They've been having trouble keeping their territories. Oh I wonder why?

I walk through Manhattan trying to find the gang stronghold. As I walk I feel eyes on me. I look around but I see no one but the civilians around me. I even look up at the rooftops but yet there was still a no one there. I shrug off the feeling and I continue on to the stronghold.

Once I'm there, I am met with one of the members of the gang, "Welcome, Miss (Y/N)," I look at the msn in the eyes.

"I trust you know, why I am here?" I ask him. He nods.

"Aye, a Templar by the name of Shay Cormac has been weaking our grip on New York," He tells me. I nod my head.

"Is he here in New York?" I ask him. He nods.

"Some of the others see him near this area," he tells me. I nod again. Shay is here, I have to see him!

Just the I hear someone struggling from behind me. I turn around and I see four or so holding onto a man. Shay.

My eyes widen at the sight. By god, Shay was actually cought. I wanted to help him but I was helpless, I couldn't without being killed myself. Shay glances at me and I give him a pained look. I have to think fast before something happens to him.

"Miss (Y/N)! We caught the traitor!" A young man says. I walk up to them with a pleased smile on my face.

" seems you have," I simply say, "I will take him to the torture room, while you all go out and enjoy yourselves," I grab Shay his binds that tie his wrists.

"Are you sure?" the leader asks me, "A few of my men can stay behind if things go wrong," I smile and shake my head.

"There is no need, I belive I can handle him," I try and reasure the leader.

"Very well," he says and I take Shay into the 'torture chamber'. Me and Shay walk in and I close the door behind me. I quickly turm around and I cup his cheeks and I roughly kiss his lips.  I cut off his binds and he grips my hips and he pushes me up against the widden wall. He kisses my lips with the same want and need.

"Oh, dear god, I missed you," I moan out. He kisses down my neck. He then takes a quick look around.

"Is this really the torture chamber?" he asks. I chuckle.

"Oh, no, this is just a vacant room that no one uses," I tell him and he kisses my lips again and he presses his body up against mine. He presses both of the palms of his hands on the wall. I wrap my arms around his neck. Shay tangles his hands in my hair.

I move my hands up and down his chest and I start to take his coat off. He begins to work at taking off my clothing. He takes off my jacket and then my vest coat. I wiggle out of them.

I take off Shay's vest. I grab the helm of his shirt and I lift it over his head. I throw the shirt somewhere.

Shay kisses my neck again and I moan loudly as he sucks and nips at my sweetspot. I run my fingers up and down his toned chest. Shay then starts to bump his hips against mine and I moan more. I could feel the bulge in his pants get bigger, a clear sign that he was ready.

"Turn around," he demands. I do as he says. He kisses my neck and he starts to undo my corset. His bare chest presses up against my back. My corset soon falls to the ground and he turns me back around. He then lifts my white shirt over my shoulders.

He smirks and grips my waist. He gets on his knees and he kisses my stomach. He sucks and nips at the sensitive skin. I breath heavily as he starts to work at my pants. He pulls them down and I step out of them.

Shay stands back up and he kisses my lips again. I work at his pants and he steps out of them. Shay then removes my underware.

Shay then lifts my legs around his waist. My back presses up against the wall. Shay then pushes into me in one hard push that has me screaming out loudly in pleaser.

He continues to thrust into me and I moan in estacy. I moan out hus name over and over. He lets out a groan. My fingers dig into his hair. He kisses my chest and he moans out my name.

He then presses a hand up against the wall and I tighten my grip around his waist. I then start to feel my release come and I dig my nails in his back.

"Shay...!" I moan out and then I gasp as my release came. Shay continued his thrusts but he soon pulled out. My legs unhook from his waist and I lean my head on his chest and we breath heavily. Shay kisses my forehead and I kiss his chest.

Once we caught over breath we redressed. Shay tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and he kisses my lips.

"Please come back to the Morrigan with me," Shay tells me. I kiss his lips again and a few tears fall down my cheeks.

"I can't, you know that," I tell him. Shay sighs and he grips my waist again.

"I am afraid of what the other Templars will do to you, if you don't," Shay tells me. I place a hand on his cheek and I kiss his lips once more.

"I love you Shay, I want to be with you without meeting in secret like this," I tell him. Shay then grabs my hands.

"Then come away with me," Shay tells me. More tears run down my face. He wipes them away with his thumb and I hug him.

"Yes," I then look up at him, "I will go with you,"

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