Altair X Reader (Modern)

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"Altair! Get in the pool!" I nearly yell at him. He shakes his head. His arms cross over his chest. On his arms were the most ridiculous things ever. My five year old brother's Spongebob Squarepants floaties. The sad thing is that my five year old brother can swim, and Altair, who is 18 years old, can't!

"Altair get rid of the floaties and get in the pool with me!" I nearly yell at him again. Altair frowns at me.

"(Y/N), what if I drown!" Altair asks me like a little kid. I roll my (E/C).

"It's only four feet deep!" I say while giving him the 'really' look. I stand in the pool in my (F/C) bikini top and bottoms. Altair is wearing his white and red swim trunks without a short on. Despite the way he is acting those abs are still sexy as hell.

Then my little brother, Hayden, comes running up to the pool in his little Spongebob Squarepants swim trunks, by the way the kid loves Spongebob. He giggles and climbs up the steps to the pool and he jumps up down.

"(Y/N), can you catch me when I come down the slide?" Hayden says with glee. I nod, he goes up the slide, and he slides down the slide and I catch him.

"Do you want your floaties?" I ask Hayden he nods, "alright Altair, cough them up," Altair sighs and he hands me the floaties. I put them on Hayden's arms and he starts swimming.

I look at Altair, I sigh and I get out of the pool. I walk up to Altair.

"I'm not getting in that pool," Altair flat out says to me. I smirk.

"Fine," I say and I push him in the pool and he pulls with him. We fall into the water with a huge splash. I surface from the water, and Altair freaks out and he holds on to me. Hayden laughs at Altair, "Altair, you can let go of me,"

Altair loosens his grip on me, and he let's go of me. He stands up in the pool.

"Oh," Altair says. I roll my eyes. I splash some water in his face. He glares at me and he starts slashing water at me. The slash war continues on until I had enough. I jump on his back and he falls into the water.

I let go of him and I fall into the water, we surface and some strands of my hair stick to my face. Altair pushes the hair out of my face and he kisses me. I cup his face.

"Ewwwwww," I hear Hayden exclaim. I look over at him and his face is filled with absolute discuss. Altair looks at him.

"Don't like it, turn around," Altair tells him. Hayden huffs and he gets out of the pool. I laugh a little.

"You can be such a prick sometimes," I say while grinning.

"But I'm your prick," Altair exclaims. We laugh a little. I kiss his lips, and I think Altair might have gotten over his fear of water.

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