Request: Edward X Reader

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Requested by ambharvs.

Warning: Sad

"Fire!" Edward yells at his crew to fire the cannons at an ememy ship that was foolish enough try and attack the Jackdaw. I watch as the cannons rip through the enemy ship like it was nothing.

I looked back at my captain, Edward Kenway. The man that I loved, but I could never tell him. I was too nervious to tell him. But now wasn't the time to think about that.

"Again!" Edward shouts for the crew to load and fire the cannons. Another round of cannons hit the enemy ship. The crew cheers as the cannons rip through the enemy ship.

Then the other ship's cannons fire at the Jackdaw and they hit the ship. I stumble slightly and Edward steadies me by putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright, lass?" Edward asks me. I nod my head.

"Aye," I tell him. Our ship fires more cannons and then we crippled the ship. Edward chuckles and I smile up at him. Edward sails the Jackdaw to the crippled ship. Once the Jackdaw was close enough, Edward had the crew bring in the ship with large hooks.

I ready my swords and Edward does the same. Edward smirks at me, "You ready, (Y/N)?" he asks me. I smirk back up at him.

"When am I not?!" I laugh out. He nudges my shoulder. I nudge mine back at him.

"When this is over, we can go back to Nassau," Edward tells me. I smirk at him again.

"Sounds like a plan, Captain Kenway," I say smugly. Edward chuckles. Once the enemy's ship was pulled in, Edward and I jump onto the ship. I quickly stab a Spanish soldiers in the shoulder and in the stomach. He yells in pain and fall limp on the deck.

A soldiers comes at me but I deflect his attack and I stab him in the neck. Suddenly a brute comes at me but I duck his attack and I stab him in the leg and in the chest. The brute falls to the ground.

I notice Edward killing the Spanards like they were nothing. But just as I was watching him....I hear a gun shot. Then I feel a excruciating pain in my stomach. I yell in pain and I fall to the ground.

I start to feel a warm liquid seep through my shirt. I look down at my stomach and I see the blood gushing out.

I try to press my hands on the wound to stop the bleeding. But it didn't work, it just caused more and more pain.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Edward yell out. He rushes by my side and he pulls me into his arms. I look up at him with tears starting to pour down.

I start to feel myself weaken. Edward starts to inspect my wound. He looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"Y-You're going to be okay," Edward tells me. I knew he was lying. I shake my head.

"E-Edward I....," I start to say but Edward shushes me.

"No! You are not saying your goodbyes!" Edward yells. I place my now bloodied hand on his cheek.

"Edward, listen to me," I tell him as I fell myself go weaker, "You are the best thing that ever came into my life. Hell the o-only good that I ever had in m-my life,"

I wince and I start to cough up blood, "I love you, Edward," I tell him finally. More and more tears start pouring down his cheeks.

"I love you too," Edward tells me. He leans down and he kisses my lips. I kiss him back. I start to feel my life slipping away and I finally close my eyes, letting my last memory being a good one. Where I felt his warm lips on mine.

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