Pets You Have

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You and Altaïr have a cat named Malik. He is a black an white cat. Malik absolutely hates Altaïr, but he loves you.

Seriously, everytime Altaïr tries to pick up Malik. The cat hisses and scratches him. But you love Malik anyways.

You and Arno have a dog named Napoleon. He is a cute, adorable little Basset Hound. He is such a loyal dog. He hardly ever leaves yours and Arno's side.

Your little Border Collie that you got from the pet shelter. You decited to name him Charlie. Connor hates the name you gave your dog, but he won't tell you why.

You guys got a rabbit named Lucy. She is a blond Mini Lop. Desmond loves to play with her and hold her. You actually started to get jealous over the cute adorable little thing.

You two have a Welsh Springer Spaniel named Annie. She has red and while fur. Annie is stubborn and affectionate, whitch is why you and Edward love her so much.

You and Ezio have a guinea pig. Guess what his name is. Ceaser! Oh, Ezio hates his name with a passion. But you won the fight over his name so, yeah. But, Ezio still thinks Ceaser is adorable.

You and Haytham have a cat named Sniffles. She had a cold when you got her. She just made these cute little sniffing noises, hence the name 'Sniffles'.

Haytham was hesitant to get a cat but he let you have one. But now Sniffles doesn't have the sniffles anymore thanks to a vet who gave you and Haytham some medicine to give her.

You and Jacob have a ferret named Freddy. He has dark brown fur and he loves to hide in places that he thinks are good places to hide from you and Jacob. But saddly for Freddy you two always find him.

You and Shay have a parrot named Monroe. Since Shay is very 'colorful' with his choice of words. Monroe started to repeat certain words that Shay uses. Which is very funny but then it starts to get even more funny when Monroe repeats the flirty stuff Shay says.

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