Alexios X Reader Part 2

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Two years later

"Come here." I hold out my hands to my baby girl, Alexa, "Come to mater." I tell the stumbling toddler as she was learning to walk. She smiles and laughs as she walks to me. She then reaches my arms I pick up my daughter and I kiss her cheeks, "You are getting better and better every day." I praise her and she giggles, "Mater loves you so much."

She has been my only joy during my time here in Athens. The people here call me The Kephallonian Whore once the word of my pregnancy got out. Athenians sure love to gossip. My uncle gave up trying to find me a husband, said I was a lost cause.

The only friend I have here is Phoibe. Why is she in Athens? Well, it turns out she snuck onto the ship that I took to come here. She now works for Perikles's lover, Aspasia. Perikles is the leader of Attika. But now he was sick with the plauge that has infected Athens.

Luckily, my aunt, uncle, Alexa and I haven't gotten the plauge. Thank the gods. I wouldn't know what to do if my darling daughter became sick. I kept her inside, to try to prevent the sickness from coming to her.

She looks so much like her father. Same brown eyes, same dark brown hair, same smile. She even has his Spartan appetite. I even named her after him.

"Mama." Alexa says and I smile at her. My aunt walks in the nursery and she clears her throat. My smile instantly drop and I turn around to look at my aunt.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Put the child down and come with me." She tells me, making me scoff.

"I can hold my child if I want to." I shake my head and I kiss Alexa's cheek.

"She is nothing more than the bastard of you and whom ever you whored around with." My aunt says coldly, "You are lucky your uncle let you keep that child. He could have just took her and let her die from the elements." I roll my eyes and shake my head, "She is the reason why you will never find a decent husband."

"I already have a decent man." I tell her.

"And where is he, hmm?" My aunt scoffs and laughs, "He left you alone to raise her!"

"He loves me." I tell her calmly.

"If he loved you, then he wouldn't have left you." My aunt tells me, "Belive me, I want what's best for you. I love you like one of my own."

"You called me a whore." I laugh and I shake my head, "Sure sounds like love to me." I say sarcastically.

I kiss Alexa's forehead and I bounce her up and down. She coos and I smile down at my beautiful daughter. I place my hand on the two-year-old's curly brown hair and I hold her close to me.

"There is someone here to see you." My aunt suddenly tells me. I turn my attention back to my aunt and I frown.

"Did they say who they were?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"He didn't say who he was." She tells me, "He just said that she had to see you." I nod my head and I walk past her with Alexa still in my arms. I walk down the stairs and I see my aunt's slave girl holding the door open. I begged my aunt and uncle to free the girl, but my uncle says that she has to work off a debt her family owes him.

Once I was at the bottom of the stairs my eyes widen when I see someone that I was so happy to see again, Alexios. My (e/c) eyes fill with tears and I cover my mouth to muffle my sobs. I look at the slave girl, Delia, "Please take her, Delia." I tell her and she nods and takes Alexa from my arms.

Alexios lets out a breath of relief when he sees me and I run towards him. When our bodies collided I wrapped my arms around his neck and I kissed him deeply. My hands cup his cheeks and I felt that they were wet from tears. I then pull away when he didn't return my kiss.

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