Edward X Reader

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Edward Kenway; pirate, assassin, the person that I have a crush on but I just don't have the courage to tell him. He is intimidating to be with, I mean he is a pirate after all.

Pirates, the very people that my parents tell me to stay away from. But yet we live in a place that is basically runned by pirates, Nassau. I will never understand my parents logic.

I sit on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean and the docks. My (E/C) look at the beautiful blue ocean, the wind blows at my (H/L) (H/C) slightly. I look away from the ocean for a second to grab my sketch book and a pencil.

I look back at the ocean and the docks and I start drawing the ocean and the docked ships. About an hour later I finish the drawing. I get up from the ground, and I put my sketch book and pencil in my satchel.

I walk back to the small village here in Nassau. I see the village in the distance. But then I see a little monkey jump on my shoulder. I scratch it's head. It was probably the most adorable thing that I ever seen.

"Aren't you the most adorable thing that I ever seen," I say in a baby voice to the monkey. Then the monkey reaches for my satchel and it takes my sketch book out of it and it runs away from me. I stand there shocked for a second.

"Come back here you little thief!" I yell at it and I chase after it. I chase after it all through Nassau, while getting some strange glances from the residents.

The monkey climbs up a tree and it hides in the leaves. I huff in frustration.

"Great, well this is just great!" I say sarcastically. I hear laughing coming from the small tavern. I look over and I see that the pirates were all laughing about something. I sigh and I walk away from the tree, "stupid monkey," I mutter to myself.

I walk with my head down, a little embarrassed that I let a small monkey make off with my sketch book.

I feel myself run into a hard chest. I look up and I see a man with blue eyes and dirty blond hair, Edward Kenway. I stand there frozen.

"Are you alright, lass?" Edward asks me. I nod my head.

"Yes, but a monkey made off with my sketch book," I say, Edward looks like he is trying to hold back his laughter. I roll my eyes. Me and Edward are pretty good friends, but my parents never approved of our friendship.

"(Y/N) you let a monkey take your precious sketch book!" Edward says while laughing. I laugh a little too.

"Yeah, that's the last time I trust a cute little animal," I say.
I smile up at him. His blue eyes meet my (E/C) eyes. He stops walking and I look at him, he looks like something is bothering him, "Edward, what's wrong?" Edward looks at me.

"I need to tell you something," Edward says.

"What is it?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"What am I to you, truly?" Edward asks me. I'm confused by his question. Why is he asking me this?

"You are my friend, my best friend, you make me happy when I'm sad, I guess you can say that I like you," I admit to him. He stairs at me.

"You like me?" He asks. I nod. Edward places his hand on my cheek, "good," he kisses my cheek.

"(Y/N)! Get over here now!" I hear my mother call for me. I look over and I see my mother looking at me and Edward, her arms are crossed across her chest and she looks at me sternly.

"Coming mother!" I tell her. I hug Edward, "I'll see you later," I say to Edward. I kiss his cheek and I let him go.

I walk over to my mother, she looks at me and she grabs something from her bag.

"I found this on the ground," Mother says. She hands me something, my sketch book, it was a little damaged, "how did it get damaged?"

"A monkey stole it from me," I tell her. Mother shakes her head. She doesn't say anything. She pats my head, and we return home

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