Edward X Reader (Modern)

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I relax on the beach with my friends Elise, and Evie. We've all been friends since middle school. Both Evie and Elise get up from their towels that we lied down on.

"(Y/ N), me and Elise are going to go for a swim," Evie says.

"Would you care to join us?" Elise asks. I shake my head.

"No, not right now, but I'll be there in a little bit," I say. Evie shrugs.

"Suit yourself," Evie says. Then she and Elise run into the water. I grab my phone from my bag and listen to my favorite song, (F/S). I lie back down and I close my eyes, and I hum to the melody of (F/S).

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I feel someone trip over me.

"Hey watch it!" I nearly yell at the person that fell over me. I take out the ear buds out of my ears and I look at the person, and I stair at him in awe. He had shoulder length sandy blonde hair, he had blue eyed, and he had a scar on his cheek; probably from a fight that he got into. I'm not going to lie, he is pretty handsome. He also had no shirt on, he had tattoos on his arms and chest.

"Sorry lass," he said with a Welsh accent, "I didn't see you there," I smile.

"No, it's okay you didn't see me," I say, "sorry for the way I reacted,"

"Its alright, I probably would have reacted the same way," he says, "what's your name?"

"Oh, um, (Y/ N), (Y/N) (L/N), yours" I say.

"Edward, Edward Kenway," he says. Edward holds out his hand for me to shake. I grab his hand and we shake hands. After we shake I run a hand through my (H/L) (H/C) hair.

I look over and I see both Elise and Evie grinning at me, I shoot them a 'stop it' look, but they continue. I roll my eyes at them. Edward looks at me.

"You alright lass?" He asks me. I look up at him.

"Oh, my friends over there are just being annoying," I say. Edward looks toward the direction I am pointing to. He makes eye contact with them and they run away giggling.

Edward smirks a little, and he sits down next to me. He looks into my (E/C) eyes and I stair into his blue eyes. Then I look at his lips. Oh, how badly I wanted to kiss them. But I don't want to pull of a Romeo and Juliet moment. Where they didn't even know each other for more than 8 minutes and they start kissing. Or better yet, they didn't even know each other, even for a day and they get married.

"Oh, just kiss already!" Elise yells. I feel my face turn bright red from embarrassment. Evie mutters something to Elise.

"Sorry about that!" Evie yells to us. I nod. Edward turns to me.

"What's up with those two?" Edward asks me.

"They have been trying to set me up with someone for months now," I explain, "you know Evie tried to set me up with her twin brother, yeah didn't go too well, then Elise tried to set me up with her ex, but she got jealous and she took him back," Edward laughs a little.

"Really?" Edward asks.

"Yep, really," I say. Edward smirks again.

"How about you go on a to dinner with me some time?" He says. I grin at him.

"Mr. Kenway, are you asking me out on a date?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yeah, why not," Edward says. I nod.

"Okay," I write down my address on a price of paper and I hand it to him.

"Here's my address," I say.

"Does 7:00, on Wednesday sound good?" Edward asks.

"Yeah, I'll see you on Wednesday," I say. He smiles and he walks away.

Elise and Evie come running up to me.

"So?" Evie asks, "did you get his number?" I shake my head.

"No, but I do have a date with him this Wednesday," I say. They both giggle and they hug me.

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