Request: Edward X Reader

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Requested by L0V31Y_0.

Image: You have a special power to go back in time with the slightest touch to an object. You go to a museum with a friend. You touch something their and you go back in time to 1716, West Indies.

My friend (F/N) drags me to this museum that he/she was dying for me to see. I honestly didn't want to go. Why? Because I didn't exactly feel like taking a trip to another point in time by touching a object.

But it only works with objects that have been through major parts in history. Just last month I went back in time to the Third Crusade in the Middle East. All I did was touch a sword that my dad brought home. Yeah, it was not fun. Terrifying to be exact.

As me and (F/N) drive up to the museum, (F/N) looks up at the sign that is advertising the new exhibit at the museum. The sign reads Caribbean Pirates: see the wheel of the famous ship the Jackdaw and many other pirate relics. These relics were generously donated by the Scott Family.

Once (F/N) parks his/her car in the parking lot we enter the museum. My friend pulls me towards the Pirate Exhibit in a hurry. We abruptly stop at a wheel of a ship that was fashioned on to a podium. There was a little bit of information about the Jackdaw and about Edward Kenway.

I look at the beautiful woodwork of the Jackdaw's wheel. I then look at a sign on the wheel that said, do not touch!

Curiosity got the best of me. Maybe this piece of ship debris wont take me back in time? I reach out to touch the wheel. I touch the wheel and a familiar dizziness took over me. I sigh.

"Here we go again," I mumble to myself and then I collapse on the hard tiled floor.

Nassau, West Indies

I wake up with a bright sun blaring in my face. I groan and I sit up. I look down and I was sleeping on a hammock. I look down at my cloths and I was wearing a (F/C) blouse and a (2ndF/C) skirt with black boots.

"This isn't half bad," I say to myself. I learned to just go with it when I go back in time, because during ny very first trip I was freaking out and I was almost hanged for witch craft! In Salem if you were wondering, "Now were in the hell am I?" I need to think! I remember reading off that little info about pirates is that their prime was in the early 18th century in the West Indies. I also remember that Nassau was once a occupied by pirates. So I could be in Nassau.

"Captain (L/N)!" I snap out of my thoughts and I turn to the person who called my name. He looked like a sailor, possibly the crew of one of the ships that I see in the docks.

"What is it, mate?" I ask him. Thank Hollywood for pirate moves!

"The other Captains want to speak with you," the pirate tells me, "There at the always,"

"Thank you for telling me," I thank him. He smiles at me. I walk past him and I look for that tavern. I look up and I see several men drinking. I recognize some of them. One had a black beard; Edward Thatch aka the infamous Blackbeard. Another had colorful clothes; 'Calico' Jack Rackham. The third was Charles Vane. The last was one I didn't know, but he had sandy blond hair. Then Blackbeard sees me and raises his mug to me.

"Ah, if it isn't the infamous Black Rose," Blackbeard says. That must be my nickname. I chuckle and I walk up the steps to the tavern. Blackbeard points to a ship docked in the ports. It had (F/C) sails with the Jolly Roger flag, which is a black flag with a skull and cross bones, "Your Nightingale is a beautiful ship," I smile.

"She's one of the finest in the seven seas, I can assure you," I tells him. Wow it's like I'm not evrn speaking for myself. More like someone else is speaking through me.

"But....can she compete to my Jackdaw?" I hear a man with a Welsh accent ask me. I look at the man. He was the pirate that I couldn't place. Jackdaw? That's Edward Kenway's ship. I feel myself smirk.

"Ah, you must be Edward Kenway. I've heard alot about you," I say to him, "Thatch has told me so much about you. But he didn't mention you were so....handsome," I smirk more. My god, were are these words coming from! This has never happened to me before.

I couldn't deny the man before was indeed handsome. His shoulder lenght sandy blond hair and his ocean blue eyes. He had some battle scars on his face. Is that wrong to say that a man that has been dead for 300 years is handsome? Well he's not dead at this time but still.

But what I couldn't get over was the fact of how confident I was being. This (Y/N) was confident and cocky. That is not me at all, I'm shy and I mostly keep to myself.

"Well, I've heard about you as well, Miss (L/N)," Edward says and he walks around me, "You strike fear in the hearts of men and your beauty desives your true nature," I smirk again. I look into his blue eyes and he looks into my (E/C) orbs. I then look away from him and back at Thatch.

"You said you wanted to see me," I tell him. Thatch nods and he motions me to a map on the table.

"I want you to pillage a Spanish ship that has a large amount of gold coin," Thatch tells me. I raise an eyebrow.

"If I do that then the Spanish navy will surly be looking for me," I tell Thatch. Thatch chuckles.

"Don't worry about that," he tells me. I roll my eye and I shake my head.

"No I won't do it," I tell him, "It's not worth the risk," Thatch's face redens with anger. But I walk away from him before he trys to change my mind. .

"(Y/N)!" I hear Edward call for me. I feel him grip my waist and he spins me around, "Hold up, lass," he then crashes his lips on me. My eyes widen in shock. I just met this guy and he kisses me. But I melt into his kiss and I kiss him back.

Then I see a white light and Edward disapears.


I feel someone shaking me. I groan and I look up at the person, (F/N). He/She looks at me with worry.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" he/she asks me. I nod my head then my friend points to something, "And I found that guy passed out next to you," I look over and I see no other than Edward Kenway laying next to me with his eyes closed.

At first I was surprised then I frown. You want to know what? Nothing in my insane life surprises me anymore!

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