Connor X Reader (Modern)

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I sit in Connor's Land Rover, trying to read a map because somebody forgot the GPS. Connor had this camping trip planned for us so we could get out of the city for a while.

He always told me stories about when he and his family went camping when he was a child. Some of his stories were funny, but others were just flat out depressing. Like the time when his father's car broke down, and him and his family were stuck in the woods for two days! The depressing part is that it was during his 13th birthday. Yes he was stuck in the woods during his birthday. But the funny part is that while his parents were freaking out, Connor was having a grand old time. So not a totally horrible birthday, but as long as he enjoyed it.

Anyway Connor is driving his Land Rover, which I absolutely love it! My (H/C) hair hits my face, as a result of the rolled down Windows. Our big Golden Retriever comes up and licks my face from the back seat. I laugh a little.

"Okay sit down Sammy," I say to our dog, he obays on command. I smile and scratch be hind his ear, which the dog groans while I'm doing it, which is a sign that he loves it. I look at Connor, with my (E/C) eyes starring at him, sick trying to read this confusing map.

"Babe, do we really need this map?" I ask pointing to the map, "Didn't you say you and your family went to the same camping spot every summer, you know the same camping spot were going to?" Connor turns to me. Starring at me with those chocolate eyes.

"Well it's kind of hard to remember where the camping spot is considering the fact I never drove there myself," Connor says. I sigh and I roll my (E/C) eyes. Then to my relief I see signs that tell us we are finally here. Connor drives toward the camp site and he stops the car.

I get out of the car, and Connor gets out of the drivers seat and he lets Sammy out of the back seat. We get our bags and Sammy's stuff out of the back, and start hiking to the camp site where his family stayed at. After about ten minutes we finally get there, and we start to set up the tent. Once that's finished we start putting our stuff in the tent, like clothes, food, our sleeping bag everything we need. After that's finished Connor walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and he kisses me on the cheek. I giggle.

"You hungry?" Connor asks me, and as on cue my stomach grumbles. I nod my head.

"A little," I say. Connor walks off to find some fire wood. When he does he puts it in the fire pit, and he gets some paper, and he takes his lighter (he is not a smoker) and puts the paper in the fire pit and he lights it on fire.

I walk and grab some hot dogs from the cooler.

"Hot dogs sound good!" I yell to him. He nods, "and for dessert," I hold up some marshmallows, chocolate, and gramm crackers, all of the ingredients to make smores. Connor's face lights up and he nods.

Connor gets the big long forks, I have no idea what they are called, to cook the hot dogs and smores. I get out the rolls and some ketchup and mustard and I put it on the table.

Once the fire was bid enough, we start to cook our food and then we eat our dinner. Once we are done eating the hot dogs, we start cooking some marshmallows. I cook two at the same time and I put it in between the chocolate and and Gramm crackers.

I take a huge bite out of my smore and Connor laughs at me.

"What?!" I say wondering why he was laughing.

"You have a little something right on your lips," Connor points to my lips. Before I could get it off, Connor leans over and kisses me. After a few minutes he pulls away, "There it's gone," I laugh, and I kiss him again.

But before Connor could react, Sammy sees an opportunity to take Connor's smore, and he takes it. Connor quick pulls away and he starts chasing after Sammy.

"Connor give up! I don't think you want it back now!" I shout to him. Then Sammy runs up to me and I giggle.

"That was a very bad boy," I say in my baby talk. Connor looks at me and shakes his head.

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