Request: Edward X Assassin Reader

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Requested by MissMahdar32.

Image: You and your brother are Assassins operating in London. You meet Edward Kenway who just returned to  London with his daughter, Jennifer.

London, England
June, 1724

Me and my older brother, Samuel, race across the roof tops. We laughing and taunting each other like we always did. I ran ahead of Samuel and I smirk at him.

"Is that how fast you can run?!" I taunt him, "You ought to be better than that to beat me," Samuel chuckles.

"Oh, dearest sister, you think you can beat me?" Samuel asks me. I smirk again. But I don't say anything. I can't let him beat me, not again.

I run even faster until I get to our intended destination, the River Thames. My breathing becomes heavy and my legs start to feel like they were on fire. After another minute or two I reach the Thames before Samuel.

I rest my hands on my knees and I try and calm down my breathing. Once Samuel met me at the Thames he was out of breath as well. I manage to smirk at him.

"Guess what?" I ask him. He looks at me. He was exhausted.

"What?" he asks me. I grin.

"I won, you lost!" I exclaim and I laught. Then I do a little victory dance which earned me a few stairs from random people. Samuel rolled his eyes.

"You know, nobody likes a glout like yourself," Samuel tells me. I scoff.

"Says the man, excuse me, boy who glouts every time he beats me at something!" I remind him. Samuel looks like he was about to counter my argument but he kept his mouth shut, "And the king of arguments is silent!" Samuel rolls his eyes.

"I don't glout," Samuel mumbles under his breath. I scoff. But I don't argue with him further. He sighs.

"I'm returning to the hideout," Samuel tells me, "Care to join me?" I shake my head.

"Go without me, I will meet you there, brother dearest," I tell him. Samuel grins and he climbs onto a building and runs on the rooftops. In the distance I see him do a leap of faith in a hay bale.

I look back to the river Thames and I see a ship in the distance with white sails. Well most ships have white sails.

The figure head was a bird of somesorts. The ship docked into the ports and the crew started unloading crates. At the stern I see the captain of the strange ship.

His attire looked like what an Assassin would wear. His hood was over his head so I couldn't see much of his features. Next to him I saw a young girl no older than 11. She had a blue dress on. Her blond hair was in bouncy curles. I could only assume that that little girl was the captain's daughter.

The captain then took off his hood and I couldn't deby it, he was handsome. He had sandy blond hair that reached just abouve his shoulders. But in the short distance that I was from him, that was all I could really see.

His wife must be happy to have a man like him. I sigh and I continue to stair at the river. I then look around at all the people in Westminster. Their fancy clothes, the people who don't have a worry in the world. My family lived here, we were a fairly wealthy family.

I look back at the captain and his daughter. The captain glaces at me. I smile at him and his daughter glaces at me and frowns. She looks up at her father and says something to him that I couldn't hear.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Samuel calling for me. I look in the direction that his voice came from. I see him in the distance being chased by 20 or so Templars. I quickly get up and I run to his aid.

"Bloody hell, Samuel!" I yell at him as I kill a Templar with my hidden blade, "What did you do this time?!" Samuel stabs a Templar in the neck with his sword.

"Who says I did anything!" He yells at me. I scoff and Isladh at a Templar.

"Knowing you, it's always something!" I continue to yellbat him. Then I feel myself being knocked to the ground and a Templar hovers over me and holds a knife to my throat.

Both of my arms were pinned down and my sword was out of my reach. I struggle under him. I look over at Samuel who is too busy killing the Templars. He probably doesn't notice the dilemma that I'm in.

Then just as the Templar raised his knife over my chest his eyes roll to the back of his head and he goes limp. I push him off me and I see my savior, the intriguing captain.

He was even more handsome up close. His ocean blue eyes look into my (E/C) orbs. He had some scars on his face. One that went down to his eyebrow to his cheek. Another on the same cheek and another on his right cheek. He looked a bit older than me but not by much. I was 25 he looked about early to mid 30's

"Are you okay?" he asks. His Welsh accent sended shivers down my spine. All I could do was nod my head. He helped me up from the ground, "My name is Edward Kenway Miss...."

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)," I tell him my name. Edward smiles down at me. I then look over and I see Samuel he was holding his side. I could see some of his blood seep through his robes. I sigh and I hand him a handkerchief, "Keep preasure on that. And get yourself to a doctor," Samuel nods and he hopefully goes to the nearest doctor. Only God knows how stubbern my brother is. I look back at Edward, "Thank you for saving my life," Edward smiles.

"It was no trouble," He tells me. I look up and down at him, inspecting his outfit.

"Assassin, right?" I ask him. He chuckles.

"Yes, and I assume your the same?" He asks me. I nod my head. I look behind him and I see the young girl that was with him.
"And who's this," I ask Edward. He looks at his daughter and smiles.

"She is my daughter, Jennifer," he tells me. I give the girl a smile. I look back at Edward.

"Your wife must be worrying about you," I say. His smile fads.

"Actually, she's dead," He tells me.
"I'm so sorry to hear that," I say. Edward smiles weakly.

"Well me and Jennifer best be off," he tells me.

"Will I see you again?" I ask him witha hopeful tone in my voice. Edward chuckles.

"I belive so," Edward tells me.

December 1724

Sure thing me and Edward did see each other again and we even went on some missions together. We grew close since the day I met him. I even got to bond with his daughter a little. We became almost like sisters.

Me and Edward run through the streets of London, trying to get away from some guards. We wemt on an Assassination mission together. After we killed our target we were started to get chased by the guards.

Edward pulled me into an alleyway abd he pushed me up against a wall. The guards run past us.

I look up at Edward and I make a slight chuckle. Edward starts to laught to.

"I guess we lost them," I say. Edward caresses my right cheek. I smile more and he slowly leans down and he captures my lips with his. He preasures himself as close as possible to me, leaving no space between us. His tangles his hands in my (H/C) hair and I wrap my hands around his neck.

But sadly he broke the kiss so we could both breath. I break heavily and I toucy my lips and I make a wide smile. My first ever kiss.I bring the palm of my hand to his cheek.

"I love you, Edward," I tell him. Edward smiles and he pecks my lips.

"I love you too, (Y/N)," Edward tells me.

Three months later me and Edward got married. Then nine months after that on December 4th, 1725 we had a son. Haytham Kenway.

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