Haytham X Reader

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I grab a prim rose from my mother's garden. I sit up against a tree. I start plucking the pedals off of the flower and silently whispering 'he loves me, he loves me not'. I pluck off the last pedal and it was 'he loves me not'.

I sigh and I throw the stem of the flower on the soft green grass. I then start to think about Haytham; his kisses, his touch, his voice in my ear. I mentally slap myself for what my parents would call 'impure thoughts'.

Haytham loves me, right? I wasn't just some toy he plays for one second and gets board with the next. He wasn't using me, right? He wouldn't do something like that, would he?

He was older than me, about 16 years older to be exact. I was just 17, just about twice my age he is. So if he was just using me, it wouldn't surprise me.

I notice a lock of my (H/C) hair in my face and I push it behind my ear. A few tears roll down my cheeks. I wipe the tears away with the back of my hand.

My parents luckily don't know about us. Well they would throw a fit if they found out us and the slight age difference.

But I do love him, truly I love him. But I don't know if he truly loves me. He never even says it. Not even once, I say to him but he doesn't return it. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't love me, right?

"Hello, my dear," I hear Haytham say next to me. I jump a little and he chuckles at my reaction. He sits down beside me and he kisses my cheek. I smile slightly.

"Good day, Haytham," I greet him. Haytham smiles and he kisses my lips, "Are you happy with me?" Haytham looks at me and chuckles slightly.

"Of course I am," tells me. I look into his eyes for any sign of doubt. But there was none. He sounded genuine.

"Do you love me?" I ask him. Haytham sighs wnd looks at me dead in the eye.

"Why are you asking me these questions?" he asks me. His tone sounded a little harsh. I let out a sigh of frustration. Then I make a genuine smile.

"You know, you don't have to answer that," I say as politly as I could. Haytham kisses my cheek. I grab ahold of the collar of his coat and I pull him in for a kiss.

"I love you so much," Haytham says. I smile and I kiss him again.

"And I love you,"

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