Request: Malik X Reader (Modern)

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Requested by UltraAloha.

Image: You and Malik decide to get your revenge on Ezio, Altaïr, Jacob and Desmond for all the pranks they pull on you both.

I drive back to the large house that Malik, Altaïr, Jacob, Ezio, Desmond and I occupy. I drive back home from the grocery store with about five bags of food in the trunk of my (F/C) car. I pass by all of the homes that Icwas driving passed.

I couldn't help but dread of going home. Well I have the most loving boyfriend. Malik. It wasn't him I was dreading coming home to. It was the thought of having to deal with the pranksters in the house. Altaïr, Jacob, Ezio and Desmond. They always pull pranks on me and Malik.

Sometimes I just wish it was me and Malik. But yet I would miss the pranksters.

Soon enough the home came into view. It was a large beige Vitorian house with a dark brown front door. The roof was a dark brown and there were several windows.

I then park my car in the driveway. Desmond's car was also parked in the driveway. The boys all worked at the same building so they carpooled with Desmond.

I got out of my car and I opened the trunk and started grabing grocery bags. I grabbed two and I carried them to the porch. I then grabbed my keys and I unlocked the front door.

I walked to the kitchen with the bags in hand and I put them on the kitchen counter. I turn around and I see Malik on the couch with a bottle of beer in his one hand. He only had one arm.

He told me he lost it about a few years ago but he never would tell me how. I smile and I walk up to him and I kiss his cheek.

"Could you help me with bringing in the groceries?" I ask him sweetly. Malik frowns.

"I would if I could," he tells me with a harsh tone in his voice. Jesus! What crawled up his ass and died! I raised an eyebrow at him and he tried to put down his bottle of beer but he couldn't.

I try and take the bottle out of his hand but it was stuck to his hand. I sigh and I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Let me guess, Altaïr superglued the bottle?" I ask him. He nods. I shake my hand, "I'll go and het te rest of the bags and I will get that bottle unstuck to your hand,"

I grab the rest of the bags and I bring them to the kitchen. I then put everything away and I grab some nail polish remover and a toothbrush and I walk up to Malik. I put some nail polish remover in a small bowl and I dip the head of the brush thethe remover and I scrub at the superglue on Malik's hand.

Once his hand was free from the bottle he wraps his arm around my waist. He kisses my temple and I cup his cheeks and I kiss his lips. They were soft against mine.
We then pull away once we hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Altaïr chuckles when he comes down stairs.

"Hey Malik, did you get that bottle un-stuck to your hand yet?!" Altaïr asks Malik while laughing.

"Go to hell, Novice!" Malik yells at him, "And yes, with (Y/N)'s help," Malik was SO mad. Then Ezio, Jacob and Desmond came down.

"Hello, love," Jacob greets me with a smirk on his face. Both him and Ezio would flirt with me. Of course that made Malik jealous and I think that is why they do it, "Oh, I almost forgot, I bought you a dounut today," Jacob hands me the dounut, "you like the custard filled one's, right?" I nod my head and I happily take a bite out of it.

But it tasted off. I make a disgusted look on my face. The 'custard' tasted disgusting! It tasted like.....mayonnaise. I quickly got up from the couch. I could hear Jacob laughing his ass off. I went to the bathroom and threw up the contents in my stomach in the toilet.

I could hear Malik yelling at Jacob in the other room. I got up and I brushed my teeth to get the taste out of my mouth.

I then heard the slaming of a door fron upstairs. I walk out of the bathroom and Ezio, Altaïr, Jacob and Desmond were laughing like there was no tomorrow.

I point my finger at them all, "You all are asses," I tell them. They just laughed some more. I huff out some air and I stomp my way upstairs.

I open the door to mine and Malik's bedroom. I close the door from behind me. I see Malik sitting on the bed just staring at the wall. I crawl on the bed with him and I wrap my arms around him and I kiss his jawline. He smiles slightly and I wrap my legs around his waist. Malik moves his arm up and down my sides.

"We need to get our revenge on those four," Malik tells me. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"And how will we do that, my love," I ask him with a grin on my face.

"This house is a pretty old place," Malik tells me something that I already knew.

"," I say. Malik sighs.

"You know how those paranormal investors say that one of the most haunted places are old victorians?" Malik tells me. I nod my head, "How about we make this place 'haunted'," I grin and I peck his lips.

"Lets," I say with a somewhat evil grin on my face, "Let the House of Horrors come to life," Malik laughs and then our mischief begins.

Once the others went out me and Malik started rigging the doors so they would slam shut by themselves. And we also downloaded some ghostly noises and burned them on a disc.

About 8:00pm me and Malik were done with our haunting prep. Oh, were just gonna be terrible with our revege plot.

We then hear the boys walk in and Malik makes a slight grin to me. Desmond sees us and smiles.

"Hello you two," Desmond greets us. Then he looks at Ezio, "Hey, you owe me $30. They didn't pack up and leave," Ezio grumbles something under his breath and hands him the money. They seriously bet whether or not we were leaving! Revenge is going to be sweet. Malik then pushed a butten and a door slams upstairs. The boys and including me and Malik look towards the stairs.

"What was that?" Ezio asks. I look at him.

"I don't know," I lie to him.

"Should one of us check?" Jacob asks while looking at us. We all look at him. Jacob sighs and he slowly walks upstairs.

Once Jacob was at the landing Malik then presses another button that he held in his hand. Jacob shreks and jumps he runs back down stairs.

I then press play on a remote I kept hidden and some haunting noises of a woman making terrifying moans and groans played around us.

Jacob, Altaïr, Ezio and Desmond looked terrified. I then shreked and clinged onto Malik's arm. Malik was trying not to laugh. But luckily the boys didn't notice. Just then Malik pressed another button and all of the upstairs doors just started slamming uncontrollably. It was loud and to add to that I played the noise of a ghostly woman screaming.

Ezio then pulled out a cross necklace and started praying. That is when I broke down and started laughing. Malik then started laughing laughing and we ended our reign of terror.

Ezio stopped praying and looked us like we were insane, "What is so funny," he asks us. Malik looks up at him and trys to control his laughter.

"W-We r-rigged the h-house," Malik laughs out. Jacob, Altaïr, Ezio and Desmond glare.

"Y-You s-should have seen the l-looks on your f-faces!" I laugh out. My sides were starting to hurt from all of the laughing that we did. Then the boys started to laugh at themselves.

"Y-You guys a-actually thought this place was h-haunted!" Malik laughs out. Ezio then pats our shoulder.

"W-Were so gonna k-kill you b-both!" Ezio laughs out and he goes to his room laughing. Me and Malik continued laughing and the rest of the guys went upstairs.

Mine and Malik's laughter soon died down. Then Malik pressed another button and another door slammed upstairs.

"Malik. Don't. Do. That. Again!" we hear Altaïr yells at Malik. I lean my heaf on Malik's shoulder and I play with his dark brown hair. Soon me and Malik went upstairs and we fell asleep watching a movie.

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