Jacob Frye X Pregnant Reader

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I sit in my room in mine and Jacobs house reading a book. I sit in my rocking chair in my room. My (E/C) eyes stair at the words in my book called Pride and Prejudice. Once in a while I take a glance at my bedroom door seeing if Jacob, my husband, is home yet. I look over at the clock in our room and see that it is almost 11:00 at night. I sigh.

God, I hate it when Jacob comes home late! I sigh and a yawn escapes my mouth. I rub my already bulging belly. I mean seriously, it has only been 2 months.

I get up and I feel a little nauseous, but I just dismiss it. Since it went away fast. I change into my nightgown and I climb into bed. I close my eyes and I feel myself going into a deep sleep.

4 hours later

I wake up to hearing a slamming door. Is Jacob home? If he is, is he mad? Well since no one else but me and Jacob have keys to our house, so it has to be Jacob. I close my eyes again pretending I am asleep. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, then the bedroom door opening and closing. I feel the bed slightly dipping because of Jacob sitting on the bed.

I open my eyes and I turn over carefully not to hurt the baby. I grad Jacob's hand. Jacob turns to me and he weakly smiles at me.

"Sorry that I woke you, love," Jacob says. I shake my head.

"No, it's okay," I say, voice clearly telling that I was tired. Jacob shakes his head.

"No it isn't you need your sleep," Jacob says. I sit up and I cup his face with my hands, ready to kiss him. But he winced in pain. I quickly turn on the oil lamp next to my bed. After that I inspect Jacob's face. I gasp a little.

What I see is his face bruised up, a scratch on an eyebrow, and a bloody nose.

"Jacob, what the hell happened to you?!" I ask him worried. He looks at me and smirks a little.

"Well, it's a funny story actually, before I came home from the pub..." Jacob says before I interrupt him.

"So you mean to tell me you got all of that from a pub, with many drunk and angry people, go figures," I say a little angry. Jacob looks at me a little annoyed

"Well if you let me explain, maybe you will understand, anyway, I was at the pub, not realising what time it was, and then one of my Rooks challenge me to a brawl. You know, knowing me I never back away from a brawl, well anyway, turns out he is very good, and as you can see he fucked me up pretty good," Jacob explains and I laugh a little.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the great Jacob Frye has finally lost a brawl!" I laugh but Jacob scoffs, "Okay let get something to clean you up," I get out of bed and I go to the kitchen and get some water and a rag.

Jacob follows me to the kitchen, and he sits down in one of the chairs at the table. I walk up to the table and set down the bowl of water and the rag. Before I could sit in one of the chairs, Jacob grabs and makes me sit on his lap. I gasp a little, and he chuckles at my reaction.

I grab the rag and I dip it in the water. I put the wet rag onto is cut eyebrow, and start dabbling. I feel one of Jacob's hands rubbing my belly. After I'm done cleaning his eyebrow, I dip the now bloody rag, into the water to clean it off. I bring the rag back up, and start cleaning the blood from under his nose. Jacob winced a little.

"Sorry," I say feeling bad.

"No, it's fine," Jacob says, "I think it might be broken," I clean the rest of the blood from under his nose. I put the rag down on the table, looking away from Jacob for a split second. But when I turn my head around. Jacob kisses me roughly on the lips, but then it becomes more passionate. I cup Jacob's face, while playing with his hair, with Jacob's hand going into my hair, trying to deepen the kiss.
But then Jacob pulls away, letting we breath. He kisses my belly and starts talking to it. I laugh when he does this. It was always so funny. Then Jacob pecks my lips one last time before picking me up bridle style, and taking me back to our room. Where I had the best night sleep, that I had in a long time.

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