Jacob X Reader (Modern)

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Me, Jacob, and Evie had been friends since kindergarten. Our friendship continued through college. We were all inseparable.

I even found a boyfriend, Nick. We started living together But then I found out that he was cheating on me. We start arguing about. I start packing my stuff.

"What the hell do you think your doing?!" He yells at me. I scoff.

"What do you think?!" I yell at him, "I'm leaving!" Nick grabs my arm.

"No your not!" He yells at me. I try to push away from him. I finally punch him in the face. He lets go of me, and I run to my car with my suitcase in hand.

I take my keys out of my pockets. Then I look at my arm, and I see a large bruising hand print. I sigh, and I put the car keys in the ignition.

I go to the only place I could think of, Evie's and Henry's apartment. After about ten minutes of driving I reach the complex. I see both of Jacob and Evie's cars in the parking lot. I go up the steps until I find the apartment.

I knock on the door.

"Coming!" I hear Jacob say. He opens the door, Jacob smiles. Without thinking I start hugging him and I start crying. Jacob looks stunned for a second. Evie comes rushing in the room.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" Evie says. I let go of Jacob and then she leads me to the couch, and she sits me down.

"Well, I just found out that for three months, Nick was cheating on me," I say between sobs. Then Jacob sees my bruised arm.

"Did he do that to you," Jacob asks me.

"I told him that I was leaving him, then he grabbed my arm, I guess it was tight enough to where it left a bruise," Evie hugs me, "hey at least I punched him in the face before I left," Jacob laughs.

"That's my girl!" Jacob say, I laugh a little. But then I hear my phone ring. I pick it up and I see Nick's name on the screen. I hit ignore call. But then a minute later it rings again. I see his name on the screen again. I answered the call.

"What!?" I say angrily. I walk into another room.

"Please, baby come home, I don't want to loose you," Nick begs me to come home. I scoff.

"Well you should have thought about that when you started sleeping with other women," I simply say. He goes silent for a moment.

"Please I can change," he begs.

"You wanna know what my mother once told me 'cheaters don't change'," I say.

"Please don't do this!" He begs once again.

"We're through," I say bitterly "have a nice life," I hang up the phone.

I walk back into the living room and I see both Jacob and Evie starring at me.

"You okay?" Evie asks me. I look at her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, he's not worth wasting my tears on," I say bitterly. I smile weakly. I rub my (E/C) eyes. Evie smiles.

"You wanna know what sounds good right now? Ice Cream," Evie says. I nod.

"Yes, comfort food!" I say.

"Jacob, (Y/ N) could you go to the store and pick up some?" Evie asks. I nod, but Jacob groans.

"Fine!" He groans. I laugh. We walk out to his car and we get in.

"Where's Henry I didn't see him in there?" I ask. Jacob looks at me.

"Oh, he's on a business trip, he won't be back for a couple of days," Jacob says. I nod. After a few minutes of driving we arrive at a small store. We get out of his car, and we walk into the store.

We go the freezer section, and we find the ice cream. I open the freezer door and I grab a tub of cookie dough ice cream.

"Still your favorite I see," Jacob says. I smile.

"You remembered," I say. Jacob grabs a tub of mint chocolate chip.

"And I see that is still your favorite," I say. Jacob smirks, "So your going to spend the night with me and Evie, and we might just watch Chick Flicks and cry during them," I smirk.

"Hey could be worse," Jacob says. I laugh a little. Then he grabs a tub of chocolate ice cream for Evie.

We go to the checkout center and we pay for the ice cream. We get back in Jacob's car and we drive back to Evie's apartment. We both grab the bag at the same time, and our lips accidentally connected.

Jacob quickly pulls away. We stair at each other in shock.

"Sorry," he mumbles. I look at him and then he looks at me, he leans in and he kisses me lightly on the lips. Then he whispers in my ear.

"I will never hurt you like how he hurt you," Jacob says.

We walk inside the door and we put the ice cream on the counter. Evie walks in the kitchen and she smiles when she sees we have the ice cream.

"What did you get?" She looks in the bag, she pulls out the ice cream, "chocolate for me, mint chocolate chip for Jacob, and cookie dough for (Y/N)," I twirl a strand of my (H/ C) hair around my finger.

"(Y/ N) I got to ask you something," Evie says.

"What is it?" I ask. She looks at me.

"Why did you ever date Nick?" She asks. I shrug.

"He seemed like a nice guy," I say.

"But it was clear he knew nothing about you," Evie says, "I doubt he even does know something about you,"

"He doesn't," I say.

"You should date Jacob, at least he knows some things about you," Evie says. I blush, remembering the kiss.

"I might take that into consideration," I say. Jacob grins at me. I smile at him.

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