Altair X Assassin Reader

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"Altair Ibn Al'Ahad!" I yell at him, "where the hell is my ring!" I storm into the training area where I find Altair demonstrating some of his 'skill' to the Novices.

A few minutes ago I got up, got dressed in my assassin robes. I went to my desk, where I usually keep my ring at and it wasn't there.

Why this ring is so important to me is because my mother gave it to me before she died from this illness that the doctors could not cure. That happened about four months ago. Altair was the only person I showed the ring to, and he knew that it was a memento from my mother.

My (E/C) eyes stair angrily at Altair, they were filled with ferry. Then I am face to face with him.

"Where is it!" I ask him angrily, he gave a cocky smirk.

"Where is what?" He asks, like he doesn't know. I roll my eyes.

"Where is my ring?" I ask impatiently. Then his face becomes more serious.

"What do you mean?" He asks like he doesn't know.

"My ring, I know you stole it Altair!" I snap at him. He puts his hands up in surrender.

"I swear I did not, I repeat 'did not' steal your ring," Altair says like he is innocent, but knowing him he isn't.

"Don't act so innocent, I know you stole my ring!" I nearly yell at him.

"(Y/N) I'm telling you the truth!" Altair pleads to me, "I never took that ring!"

"If you didn't then who did?" I ask him, still not believing him.

"Malik, Kadar, I don't know!" Altair says.

"Then let's go ask them," I say, and I pull Altair with me. He groans.

"Why do I have to come?" Altair whines.

"Because I don't trust you," I say. Altair rolls his eyes. We find Malik and Kadar at the library.

"Kadar, Malik have either of you seen a ring with a silver band with a (F/C) gem on it?" I ask them sweetly. Then I see that Kadar has a guilty look on his face, I hold my hand out, "cough it up,"

Then Kadar pulls out my ring and he puts it in my hand. I put it on on of my fingers and I walk out of the library.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Altair call for me. I keep walking. Then I feel Altair spin me around.

"What?" I say harshly. I look up at Altair. I hug him.

"I told you that it wasn't me," Altair says. I roll my eyes. I pull away from the hug, and I smile up at him.

"Your a good friend Altair," I say. Altair smiles down at me.

"I know,"

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