Request: Ezio x Reader

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Requested by XQueenSlytherinX.

Warning: Smut

I stand in the art gallery in the Auditore Villa in Monteriggioni. I look at all of the artwork that Ezio brought home durning his travels. Ezio, oh how I miss him dearly.

He left for Frienze about two months ago and he hasn't sent me at least one letter. I get that he is a busy man but he could have sent me a letter. I let out a sigh and I place my hands on my hips. I soon drop them to my sides. I take one last quick look at all of the paintings and I walk out of the room.

I wrap my arms around myself and I start to head to the library to find a book. As I near the library I feel someone grip my waist and push me up against a wall. I gasp and I close my eyes.

I open them when I feel the person caress my cheek. I smile widely when I see who it is, Ezio. He smirks and cup his cheeks and I pull him in for a long wanting kiss.

Ezio presses him body firmly against mine so that there was very little space between us. Ezio leaves my lips and he kisses my jawline then down my neck. My fingers dig through his hair.

"Oh god I missed you, mio amore," I moan out. He grips my hips tighter and he lifts one of my legs around his waist. He leans down and he teases his lips over mine.

"Did you now?" He asks with amusement in his voice. I nod my head.

"Si," I answer in a whisper, "Did you miss me?" Ezio pulls me even closer to him and leaves butterfly kisses on my neck and I moan softly.

"You were all I could think about, bella," Ezio kisses me again and his hand travels up my leg.

I break away from the kiss and I place my hands on his chest and I run them along on the white fabric. Ezio looks at me confused. I smirk and I kiss his jawline and I let my lips linger over his.

"Not here," I whisper. Ezio's smirk widens.

"Why don't we take this to my room?" Ezio asks. I look into his brown eyes and they were full of lust and desire. I smirk and he picks me up bridle style. I wrap my arms around his neck. I giggle and he walks into his room and kicks the door closed.

He lays me gently on the bed and he climbs on top of me. Ezio leans down and kisses my neck. I moan softly. He kisses my sweet spot and I moan louder.

I move my hands up his chest and I start to remove his robes that covered his chest. He removes them the rest of the way and he throws them across the room. He still had a white tunic on but he soon took it off.

I run my hands up and down his toned chest. Ezio kisses my lips and he grinds his hips over my pelvic region. I let out another moan.

Leaves my lips and he sits up and he pulls me with him. I straddle his waist and he starts kissing my lips once again. He slips his tounge in my mouth and we battle for dominance.

I run my fingers through his dark hair. I pull the red ribbon out of his hair and I let it fall on the bed. I start to pull on his hair and I earn a groan from him.

Ezio starts to tug my dress down my shoulders. I wiggle out of my dress and Ezio throws the dress somewhere in the room.

Ezio slowly lies me back down on the bed without breaking kiss. He leaves my lips and kisses down my neck and down to my exposed chest. He sucks on my right breast and he massages the left one.

"E-Ezio," I let out a breathly moan. I wrap my legs around his waist and push down his pants with my feet. Ezio kisses my lips again. He kicks off his boots and he removes his pants the rest of the way.

He then pulls the lace if my undergarments down my legs. He pulls it off it off. I put my hands on his shoulders and he looks into my (E/C) orbs

"You ready?" he chuckles out. I nod my head and I brace myself for what was about to happen. Ezio thrusts into me and I let out a pleasurable scream. I wrap my legs around him tighter and my fingernails dig into his back. Ezio groans and I moan his name over and over. Ezio grips my waist with one hand and he digs his other in my (H/L) (H/C) hair.

I moan louder and his thrusts become faster and he was hitting all the right spots. I soon felt myself starting to reach my tipping point.

With a few more thrusts I felt my realease and I moan his name loudly. Not too long after, Ezio soon released.

I winced slightly when Ezio pulled out. Ezio layed on his back breathing heavily. I snuggled my head on his chest doing the same.

Ezio wraped his arms around me and I soon felt sleep come.

Yeah so this was my first time writting smut and it probably wasn't that good. Sorry if it wasn't.

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