Connor X Reader (Modern)

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I sit on the couch in mine and Connor's apartment. Dreading having to go to his parents house. His mom I like, she is a very kind woman. But it's Connor's dad that I don't much care for. Every time that we go there his dad always keeps eyeing me, which makes me very uncomfortable.

I've told Connor about this, and he sees it too. But today is Thanksgiving, so we have to go.

I get up from the couch and I grab the chocolate chip cookies that I made yesterday. Connor quickly grabs one before I could stop him. He takes a big bite out of it, I sigh.

"Connor, if you keep eating the cookies, then there will be none left for everybody else. Connor rolls his eyes.

"It's just going to us and my parents," Connor says. I smile.

"Actually, my family is coming too, my mom, dad, and my brother are coming, so no more cookies for you until we get there," I say. Connor pouts and I laugh. I peck him on the lips. Then I dread my parents coming because very year, the tradition at there house is that the family share the most embarrassing family videos to the whole family.

Yeahhhh, great, I think sarcastically. We get in Connor's car, and we drive to his parents house. About 30 minutes later we pull into the driveway of Connor's parents house. I see that my family is already because I see their blue Chevrolet in driveway.

Connor knocks on the front door. A few moments later Connor's mom, Ziio, comes and opens the door. She smiles when she us. She hugs both me and Connor. She looks down and she sees the cookies.

"(Y/N) I see that you made some delicious looking cookies," Ziio says.

"Thank you, but I know they won't be as good as my moms, she is a baking master," I say. Connor looks down at me.

"They taste fine," Connor says, "hell I had three of them!"

"Yeah, I had to cut him off on cookies," I say to Ziio. She laughs.

"Come on in you two, the food is just about ready," Ziio says. We come inside, "by the way, I think your mother is going to show some family videos,"

I see my parents setting up their computer.

"And done!" My dad exclaims. He then sees me and Connor, "And now the embarrassment begins!" He laughs. I give him a sarcastic laugh. Mom hugs me, and then she gives me a kiss on the cheek. Connor and my dad shake hands. My not so little brother comes and gives me a bear hug. I mean he got freaking tall!

"Hey, Sam," I say clearly having a hard time breathing. He pulls away.

"Ready to be embarrassed yet again?" Sam asks me. I scoff.

"Yeah, seeing my embarrassing baby videos, super," in say sarcastically. He laughs.

"Hey, don't worry almost all of the videos are pranks this year," Sam says.

"So, everyone is going to see your Freddy Krueger prank?" I ask.

"Ohhh, yes!" He says. I look over and I see my dad talking to Connor's dad, Haytham, "and I Ziio gave me a burned disk of her and Haytham's home videos," I nod.

"So were gonna see Connor as a baby?" I ask. Sam shrugs.

"Possibly, Ziio didn't tell me what videos are on the disk," Sam explains. We all get our food, and we all sit in the living room. Then Sam plays the videos.

The first one is Sam's Freddy Krueger prank.


Sam turns on the night vision on the camera and he moves the camera toward him, and he is dressed and even made himself look like Freddy Krueger with face paint.

"So guys, today I finally got (Y/ N) to watch Nightmare on Elm Street, on oh my God, she got soooo scared!" Sam says, "So today I found my Freddy Krueger claws and costume, and your going to see me sneak into (Y/ N)'s room and possibly scare the living carp out of her! Here we go,"

Sam picks up the camera, and then he walks up the stairs. He walks though the hall and he stands in front of my door and he slowly opens it. He walks into my room and he closes my door slowly.

You could see me sleeping on my stomach and you could hear my snoring. Sam turns the camera towards him.

"She snores?" Sam mouths. He sets the camera down on a table, and he slowly creeps up to me. Once he is at my bed side he puts on his Freddy Krueger hand. Some of the claws caress my face.

My eyes flutter open, and then they widen at the site in front of me.

"Hello girly!" Sam says it like how Freddy Krueger would say it. I scream as loud as I could. I start throwing pillows, and stuffed animals at him.

My parents in, and Sam starts laughing. My parents turn on the light and Sam turns off the night vision on the camera.

"What the he'll is going on in here?" My dad says. My mother sees me crying and she comes up to sit on my bed and she hugs me.

"Sam, is that you?" Dad asks him.

"In the flesh," Sam says while laughing. I get up from my bed with a blank look on my face. Sam insanity stops laughing, and I slap him across the face, but not hard enough to hurt him, "I deserved that,"

Video End

The whole living room starts laughing, including me. Now when I think about it it was funny. We watch some more prank videos then we watch one of Ziio's and Haytham's videos.


A four year old Connor sets up the camera wearing a Batman costume. He climbs onto a shed that was about ten feet high.

"I'm Batman!" Connor says.

"What are you doing up there Connor!" Haytham's voice could be heard in the background.

"I want to fly," Connor say. Connor jumps down from the shed. Then you hear Haytham running to Connor and the camera shuts off.

Video End

We all laugh at the fact that Connor thought Batman could fly.

"Okay back up," Sam says, "Batman can't fly," Sam says.

"He was like four Sam," I say, trying to defend Connor. Haytham turns to Sam.

"We had this discussion at the hospital, where he was treated for a broken leg," Haytham says.

"He broke his leg, oh that's just terrible," my mom says.

"Yeah, hurt like hell," Connor says. I kiss his cheek. My (E/C) meet his brown eyes. I smile.

"Well I thought that was cute," I say, "well up until the point you jumped," I laugh a little.

"Shut up," Connor mumbles playfully. He kisses my lips. Connor pulls away. I smile.

For the rest of the day we talked about random stuff either about childhood memories, family trips, and other stuff.

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